Core Competency Self-Assessment


I chose communication for this artifact because i did struggle trying to answer some of these questions, i communicated by asking my teacher for help but also the people around me as we tried to figure out the answers together. I also learned to speak more freely about needing help with a question as before i was not as comfortable to do so. Even though i did learn to speak when i need help i would like to grow more in this area as i still am not very comfortable with asking for help in other classes.

Textiles Final Portfolio

Creative thinking

My Artifact: Painted tote bag

I demonstrated creative thinking with this project by carefully thinking about what i want my project to look like and how i want to structure it. Planning how i want to paint the design and how i want it to look like took some thinking and some sketching, even though the design itself is simple the way i want it to look is not as easy as i wanted to change some parts so i had to keep re sketching my design to fit it to my imagination. Some skills i think got better with this project was my painting, even though it’s simple i had to sketch everything out first including the circle in the middle and the headphones and the music notes, i had to paint these with a very fine and thin brush in order to not go over the sketched lines i had. I think a skill i want to continue to grow in is sewing, because this was my first time using a sewing machine my seams were not as straight and even as i wanted them to be so if i ever use another sewing machine in the future i would like to grow in this department.

Textiles Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

My Artifact: Card #2

I chose this card because during this project I was able to communicate with others and get different ideas to help me create this card. The making of this card had lots of thinking go into it as I wanted this card to follow a certain theme so I looked up different things relating to that theme in order to create it. All of the drawing in this card were thought about and placement of each drawing had thought go into it so that the card looks like the theme I wanted, even when I thought about certain drawings going into this project not every drawing worked so I had to erase and re think about the drawings and how much space I had left on the card and I also had to think about the placements of the next drawing I wanted to put.

Core competency

I demonstrated my creative thinking skills doing this project by building on different ideas and merging them together to create one big idea that fits the theme I want. I can persevere over time and take time to develop and think of new ideas that can help me create the image I have in my head. I can expect setbacks and failure but can use those setbacks and failures to retry and think about if this would work or if i want to change a design but still have it fit the theme that I want. An example of where I built off of someone else’s ideas is when I was asking my friend about what else I could add or what I can change and I used there suggestion and built off of it to create a card that fits more of what I wanted.

Desmos Polygraph Activity

Core Competency Reflection

I can identify my strengths and limits, find internal motivation, and act on opportunities for self-growth by working on different equations and seeing which ones I find harder to answer. I can find internal motivation by telling myself that its almost done and that I can work on other things once I am done.

Reflecting on my first year

My Grade 9 year

Some words that described this year are fun, nerve racking and tiring. I’m most proud of the art that I have done this year, it was really enjoyable and I also learned new art techniques. During Art classes I was able to Make new friends and also gain an old friend back, because of those people art class was more enjoyable and really fun. This past year I enjoyed P.E. I made some friends in that class and they make P.E. really fun and we have a lot of fun playing and talking with each other. When I have difficulties with something especially homework I usually ask my siblings and parents for help so that they can help me understand what my homework is about and so that I can do it if we do it again.

My Favourite website

I like this website a lot because it makes citing my work a lot easier for Edublog posts and other things. Using this site made me save time which I used for other parts of a project or another part of an edublog post and by using this site I was able to save time and use that spare time efficiently for other things. I’m glad that I got to know of this site and I would recommend it to others if they’re required to site their work.

Favourite Video

I like this video because it helped me too understand watercolor more and how to get certain types of textures that I need or that I wanted to include into my painting. By looking at these videos it helped my create better art that I’m proud of and ones that I would like to keep.

My Favourite Image

I like this photo because it reminds me of what I made during art class. For my art class I made something similar with watercolor, I made a watercolor rose with a snowy themed background and this photo reminded me of that watercolor art. During the making of that watercolor rose I learned how to properly layer the watercolor on top of each other and that depending on how much water you use, it can change the way the paint looks, and more. During the watercolor unit, I had so much fun learning and creating watercolor art and I would really like to try it again.

My Favourite Quote

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.” – Destin Sparks

I like this Quote because sometimes expressing how you feel into words is hard so putting what you feel into a photo and sharing it can get how you feel across just as easy. Even if you fail to put your story into a photo, people can still understand how you feel or what you’re trying to tell through the photo(s) you take.

Works Cited

“Snowy Mountains – Winters #bluemountains.” Pinterest, Accessed 14 June 2023.

The Very FIRST Watercolor Lesson for Beginners | Watercolor Painting for Beginners – Lesson, Accessed 14 June 2023.

“‘Photography Is the Story I Fail to Put Into Words.’ — Destin Sparks.” Adventures Within Media Inc, 27 Apr. 2020,

A Spanish Speaking Country


Comparison to my home country

the most popular sport in Brazil is Soccer with a famous athlete being Neymar, in Canada the most popular sport is Ice Hockey with a famous athlete being Wayne Gretzky. Landmarks in Brazil are Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf mountain both in Rio De Janerio, in Canada some famous landmarks are the CN tower in Toronto and the Canadian Rockies in BC. I would like to visit Brazil some day, learning about Brazil peaked some interest.

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic in a clear and organized way by talking slow and asking if they understand what I am talking about. If I don’t understand something that my partner shares I ask them to try and explain it slower.

I can build off of others ideas, if my partner suggests something I can think and add on to the idea they preposed. My partner can suggest something and ask if I want to add anything onto it, if I don’t add anything onto it then we use the idea as is

I can work with others to achieve a goal, it doesn’t matter who my partner is I would like to work together to get a good mark. When I work with someone I don’t know or someone I don’t talk to a lot I still try to work with them so I can get a good mark on whatever project we are doing.

I can ask and respond to questions, if I don’t understand something my group/partner says I can ask them to explain it to me again so that I can understand what they’re going to do. I can respond to questions when I know the answer and tell them.

Geography map

●1) Red oak ( Quercus rubra) Silver maple ( Acer saccharinum) These trees and more are common in Hamilton. Silver maple cannot grow in dry soil while red oak can tolerate a wide range of soil types, but they don’t tolerate poorly drained or waterlogged soil. Possible jobs could be Lumber, Park ranger, Soil Technician

●2) Lake Ontario is why I placed this where it was, Lake Ontario is one of the five great lakes in north America, even if lake Ontario is one of the five great lakes it’s the smallest out of the five. Lake Ontario Is a freshwater lake. Depending on where you want to swim, you can swim in lake Ontario. Possible jobs could be Lifeguard

●3)The Hamilton Conservation area has lots of hiking trails all year round that people go to. Its like a giant year-round 10km hiking trails with towering pine forests and meadows. Possible jobs could be park ranger

●4)Hamilton normally is free of snow every year from June to September, though if it does happen to snow in Hamilton, its usually less than five centimeters. Big snowstorms normally occur three times a year with ten cm a day. Possible jobs could be weather reporter, snow shoveler

ADL-Collaboration and Solutions for Financial Literacy


3 Year GIC

90,509,287 + 30,000


Year 1 – 80,000 x 1.042=83360 + 10,000

Year 2 -83360 x 1.042= 86861.12 + 10,000+ 10000

Year 3 – 86861.12 x 1.042= 90509.29 +30000



I chose this for me because GIC is a secure with investments. you also get money at the end of your term. the bad thing about GIC is that you will get taxed on the interest earned if the GIC is held outside a registered account. I’d say GIC is more for me because I don’t really like taking risks so I would go with GIC because it has little risks unlike stocks, yes you can get more money but that would require giving up more with a higher chance of failing.

Collaboration and Contributions:

Working with my group was okay, I didn’t communicate with them at all.

I contributed by occasionally plugging numbers into my calculator and showing them, the other people in my group contributed to my learning by communicating and explaining what they were doing.

There was other solutions, I chose the one that I felt made somewhat sense for me.

I would rate my communication in that group a 1. I did not talk at all in that group and I occasionally participated by using my calculator and showing them, not even telling them what the number was, just silently showing what was I got in the calculator.

Core Competency Reflection

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I occasionally turn off my device and take a look at what I’m supposed to do and try to understand it if I start to zone out.


When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I sometimes speak up and try to understand what we are trying to do. Depending on the subject I try to converse and listen to others.

Creative Thinking

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I tend too leave it and come back to it later to try and refresh my mind, sometimes when I leave something and come back to it later I think of something and can work off that.

Critical and Reflective Thinking

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in my justification part of the assignment.