This artifact is an in-class write and I chose this because I showed my thinking by structuring my sentences and thinking about what words to use in order for the sentences to make sense. I had to think about what I specifically wanted to write about and make sure it matched the prompt given and think about whether or not we learned certain words.
During the write I had to stop and take time to properly go through my sentences and make any changes or adjustments to my words and sentences.
this is my project on the battle of Salamis. me and my partner worked together to put the project together and communicated a lot throughout the project. Throughout the project sometimes it was hard to communicate as sometimes there were times when we miscommunicated and missed the timings we set resulting in somethings not getting fully done and having to complete the project the night before and the day of. We overcame these problems by talking and texting each other to find out how we were going to finish the project and present it. A strength I had during this project was the research component, i was able to look through sources and put that information into our project while expanding on it, a struggle i faced while working on this project was communication, while working on this project we had difficulties working out when to work on the project and who was doing what part.
My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include looking for websites and comparing them to see if the information from a website is correct. a strength in this area was gathering relevant information and comparing them to other websites, an area where i think i need to improve was properly putting that information into the project while properly explaining what it meant.
I can ask, respond, listen and give my thoughts to my seatmates during discussions.
I can analyze evidence to make judgements. Showing how I am able to analyze the criteria and properly use it towards the assignment.
I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. Showing how I can find joy in different things even if it did not turn out how I planned it to.
This photo of my artifact shows how all of us were able to ask questions to further understand what to do and complete the conversation in a timely manner. During this time I was able to listen to the ideas my seatmates had and give my input, doing this helped strengthen our ideas on how to put the sentences together and who was going to say what in order for it to make sense. This artifact shows the thoughts that went into creating the sentences and who was going to take what lines so that the conversation would be able to flow smoothly without any problems as sometimes the criteria requires a certain amount of lines for each person in order for everyone to be marked fairly and show their understanding of how to put the sentences together. Doing and creating this conversation allowed me to look over the criteria and follow it properly in order to complete it accordingly, while looking over the criteria for the conversation I am able to make judgements and give ideas to create a prompt to work off of. Even though I might not get the best marks on the tests/quiz’s I am still able to work from it and use it as my motivation to do better and work towards whatever’s next in the class, being able to find a sense of joy and accomplishment helps me by being able to show positivity in the not so good times and having that mindset can help me focus on other important things or give my full focus and try better for whatever is next.