I’ve dealt with stress many many times whether it being over a last minute project, a speech or taking a test. I’ve dealt with stress by taking deep breaths and taking breaks and coming back to whatever I was doing later. I’ve used my devices to take my mind off whatever was stressing me out and then I would come back and finish it later.
Core Competency Reflection
I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others.
When someone says something unfair, I’m able to explain why it’s unfair to a certain person and work around it so everyone has an equal amount of work.
I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behaviour.
If I am working in a group I can include others and tell them what we need to so everyone in the group can understand and do what we all need to do.
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it.
When someone were to get hurt and I happen to be around them I can comfort them and make sure they’re okay. I can support others when needed and make sure they get what they’re doing and get help when its needed.