
Comparison to my home country
the most popular sport in Brazil is Soccer with a famous athlete being Neymar, in Canada the most popular sport is Ice Hockey with a famous athlete being Wayne Gretzky. Landmarks in Brazil are Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf mountain both in Rio De Janerio, in Canada some famous landmarks are the CN tower in Toronto and the Canadian Rockies in BC. I would like to visit Brazil some day, learning about Brazil peaked some interest.
Core Competency Reflection
I can understand and share information about a topic in a clear and organized way by talking slow and asking if they understand what I am talking about. If I don’t understand something that my partner shares I ask them to try and explain it slower.
I can build off of others ideas, if my partner suggests something I can think and add on to the idea they preposed. My partner can suggest something and ask if I want to add anything onto it, if I don’t add anything onto it then we use the idea as is
I can work with others to achieve a goal, it doesn’t matter who my partner is I would like to work together to get a good mark. When I work with someone I don’t know or someone I don’t talk to a lot I still try to work with them so I can get a good mark on whatever project we are doing.
I can ask and respond to questions, if I don’t understand something my group/partner says I can ask them to explain it to me again so that I can understand what they’re going to do. I can respond to questions when I know the answer and tell them.