Creative thinking

My Artifact: Painted tote bag
I demonstrated creative thinking with this project by carefully thinking about what i want my project to look like and how i want to structure it. Planning how i want to paint the design and how i want it to look like took some thinking and some sketching, even though the design itself is simple the way i want it to look is not as easy as i wanted to change some parts so i had to keep re sketching my design to fit it to my imagination. Some skills i think got better with this project was my painting, even though it’s simple i had to sketch everything out first including the circle in the middle and the headphones and the music notes, i had to paint these with a very fine and thin brush in order to not go over the sketched lines i had. I think a skill i want to continue to grow in is sewing, because this was my first time using a sewing machine my seams were not as straight and even as i wanted them to be so if i ever use another sewing machine in the future i would like to grow in this department.