What is it?

Mi horario is a times table of all my classes explaining the students and teachers associated with it. i felt that i was really creative while explaining what my classes are like. i really enjoyed writing it. i was able to use my Spanish vocab in a practical way which was very useful and fun.
core competency reflection
I can give, receive, and act on feedback to achieve my goals.
when I was creating mi horario I would often ask for my friends their opinion. They would give me suggestions and I usually would put them to consideration and or act and build upon them.
I can recognize my emotions and use strategies to manage them.
often times while I was doing mi horario project, I got easily frustrated over tiny details I couldn’t figure out. over time however, I’ve learned how to recognize when i start to get annoyed and manage it by taking a little break.
I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy, I take pride in my work and myself.
After almost every project I complete, I feel accomplished and happy that it’s over. It feels good to finally finish work that’s been hanging over my head.
I can identify my strengths and potential.
after doing mi horario I identified one of my strengths. I’m decently good at making work look appealing, so that’s what I did.
my goal
My goal going forward this year is to grow better work ethic, by doing my homework straight when I get home, instead of checking my social media, because it’s very distracting.