By. Aeowyn
My writing

core competency reflection.
When it seems, the good ideas just won’t come to me, I take a break to help calm myself or create space in my mind to generate ideas. If that doesn’t help, I ask someone to help me and suggest ideas. an example of this is the time i was stressed out because of all the work i had to get done, so, i found myself not being able to generate a single idea. taking a break didn’t work so i asked my dad to help me and it totally worked out. i was able to write a draft in the span of ten minutes.
One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is reading because it adds more words and ways of writing into my vocabulary.
An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is creative writing. this year I’ve been very interested in creative writing, and I feel I’ve grown and learned lots about it. poetry is always a fun challenge, I’ve even began writing my own poetry in my spare time. the example above is one of my favorite pieces that I’ve written, thus far.
Going forward i would like to experiment with different types of writing, such as haikus, rhyming poems, sonnets, etc…, I’ve been mainly focused on free writing, so i think in my free time I’ll work on these different writing styles. I would also like to get back into reading more often, i used to read all the time and i don’t know why i stopped.