Reflecting On My First Year
My Grade 9 Year
This year was pretty okay at first before i became a straight c- student in the second half, that wasn’t great. I really enjoyed my first year at Centennial despite having less than satisfactory grades because of the many new friends I made and it being a lot less tedious than middle school. One project I am quite proud of is my novel study project because I added multiple music tracks, some really good images and put probably the most effort I’ve ever put into any project, however it is a bit rough around the edges and it is a bit of a mess when it comes to my writing and transitions. Overall I have really enjoyed my first year at centennial and I look forward to the following years.
My Favorite Website
I like this website because it helps me site sources for my projects fast and efficiently. It was a huge help for projects like my novel study and this one.
My Favorite Videos—Stages-of-Mitosis–Cells–Biology–FuseSchool
These videos helped me better understand and visualize the process of mitosis while I was working on my stop motion animation project for science.
My Favorite Image

My Favorite Quote
“Be the trouble you want to see in the world, above nationalism, above so-called patriotism, above and beyond fear and make it count for the betterment of the planet. Legal and illegal are not the same as right and wrong – do what is right and never give up the fight.”-from the Afterword by Jacob Appelbaum featured in Homeland by Cory Doctorow, page 384.
I chose this quote because it was in the book I chose for my novel study. I also chose it like it’s message and how it connects to the story of the book.
Works Sited
Solove, Daniel. “The Funniest Hacker Stock Photos 2.0.” TeachPrivacy, 9 Mar. 2016,
Mitosis – Stages of Mitosis | Cells | Biology | FuseSchool., Accessed 27 Apr. 2023.
Mitosis – Stages of Mitosis | Cells | Biology |.—Stages-of-Mitosis–Cells–Biology–FuseSchool. Accessed 27 Apr. 2023.
ZoteroBib: Fast, Free Bibliography Generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard Citations. Accessed 27 Apr. 2023.