Posts Tagged ‘"Core Competencies"’

Final Concert Reflection

Just imagine him playing clair de lune while reading this

also i put an audio file of clair de lune below just for funzies.
I feel that the concert went fairly well all things considered. I’m pretty sure I smiled and moved a lot more than the last few concerts which is good however I’m not sure if I sang all you need is love very well. Voice Dance turned out surprisingly well considering it was a mess until the last few days before the concert. All You Need Is Love existed which was bad and a few people’s mics were K E R F U Z Z L E D. as per usual I was very worried about looking soulless while performing. All You Need Is Love also happened which was no good, terrible, rotten, boring, annoying, stupid, vile and woeful. Hanbin and Sophie were good in it though. I really enjoyed the jr band’s performance of Never Gonna Give You up and the senior band’s performance of various Smash Mouth songs and Don’t Stop Me Now. I also enjoyed their performance of Beyond The Sea with Katrina soloing. Sharif and Sabrina also did a really good job mcing unlike me last concert.


I hate doing these so much

I think I have demonstrated good communication through the way I moved while performing. I also feel that I have improved the way I move to express certain emotions while performing.

The image above conveys how dead inside I look during most concerts and events involving choir. This was not the case during this last concert as you can see in the image below.

Science 9 Competence Reflection

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A R T I F A C T… wow

Core Competence Explanation.

My artifact is the mitosis stop motion video I made. It is a bit rough but I like the little organelle goblins I made. I feel that I have communicated the metaphase and anaphase well through the designs of my little organelle goblins and how they move in the video.

PHE 9 AH Reflection

Health and Wellness Core Compitency Reflection

I admit that I’m not the best when it comes to health and wellness but this is a paragraph of stuff I do to improve or detriment it.I’m planning on going to a gym a few times a week this month and that improves both my physical and mental health, I don’t normally do that. I make a lot freinds when I’m not in PHE and that improves my mental health. But I use my phone way too much which detriments my mental health. I also don’t get much exorsize which is undoubtedly bad for my mental health.

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