The skill I used for this project was critical thinking. This fills the critical thinking core competencies. I carefully read over the information and tried my best to produce a presentable looking piece of work. I chose this because I thought it was the hardest piece of work i had done in the class all semester. It was difficult to finish but I did it and now i’m just waiting for my final mark. While working on this project I learned about overpopulation, Human pyramids, and economic issues.
Core Competency Reflection
Critical thinking is the analysis and evaluation of an issue to form a judgement. Creativity is the use of our imaginations or ideas. Digital literacy is having skills, you need to live, learn, and work in a society where communicating and accessing info through digital platforms. I want to learn how to socialize more with other people. I’m working on this goal because i feel like it needs improvement and I’ve never been much of a people person.