Core competency self assessment Bio 12


I am able to communicate with others when I need help and don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing. I did not know how to make the cell so I asked one of my friends if he could assist me and he helped me out a little. He told me what to do and I successfully made the cell.

When I finished the cell I didn’t know what to do next so I asked another friend what the next step was. He told me what to do and I filled up a beaker with water and placed the sucrose cell in the water. I then went back to my table and discussed the observations with my group.

Critical thinking

I am able to critically think when I don’t know how to answer a question. I was struggling to answer some of the questions on the lab, but then I broke down some of the words to better help me understand the questions. This worked well enough for me to be able to answer all of the questions in the lab. After a few hours I got through most of the questions.

The conclusion was hard for me to write because I didn’t really know how to answer some of the questions but then I remembered that Mrs.Chew gave us a sheet on how to answer the questions so I just ended up following that and it helped out quite a bit. After some time I fixed up some sentences because they could’ve been written better and I finished the assignment. I was able to critically think and break down the questions so that I was able to answer them.


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