Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self- Assessment

Circular response

I chose the quotation “there was a big wall that tried to stop me, painted, saying private/public property but on the back it said nothing”

I chose this quote because a sign is just a sign, it can’t actually stop you from trespassing into another person’s property. I drew a picture of one person in front of the sign and one person behind the sign saying it says nothing and that they could pass to show it doesn’t matter if you pass or not. Use

Core Competency Self-Assessment

This assignment was different from the other assignments because it was about a sensitive subject. I tried to be understanding when writing down these quotes so that I could get a good grade. Coming up with the signs or symbols was the hardest thing to do because I wasn’t sure what to draw literal and figurative. I had to do some thinking and stay a little bit in flex to complete the assignment so that it was perfect. This assignment helped me learn more about how first nations people were treated.


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