At the start of the semester I didn’t really have an interest in learning about the Indigenous culture because it was being forced on us, but after a few weeks of being in the class it wasn’t so bad. Indigenous culture is very interesting too. From how they would live their lives to their traditions was really interesting. Learning about the fur trade was also very interesting. The course does change your perspective on the indigenous people and makes you symphasize more with them. I chose critical and reflective thinking. When I wasn’t sure with the work I was doing, I would ask my partner to help me and he would usually help me with what I didn’t understand. I think I can improve my skills by asking for more help from the teacher when I don’t completely understand something. Another thing I could work on is handing some assignments in on time. When developing my answers, I could think of how to construct better sentences because many of my answers were basic. I guess my view has changed on the first Nation a little bit. Not much has changed though, I still feel bad for them, they didn’t deserve what happened to them. I guess hearing more about the reserves and the other things that happened to them makes me feel bad about them.