Core competency self assessment Bio 12


I am able to communicate with others when I need help and don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing. I did not know how to make the cell so I asked one of my friends if he could assist me and he helped me out a little. He told me what to do and I successfully made the cell.

When I finished the cell I didn’t know what to do next so I asked another friend what the next step was. He told me what to do and I filled up a beaker with water and placed the sucrose cell in the water. I then went back to my table and discussed the observations with my group.

Critical thinking

I am able to critically think when I don’t know how to answer a question. I was struggling to answer some of the questions on the lab, but then I broke down some of the words to better help me understand the questions. This worked well enough for me to be able to answer all of the questions in the lab. After a few hours I got through most of the questions.

The conclusion was hard for me to write because I didn’t really know how to answer some of the questions but then I remembered that Mrs.Chew gave us a sheet on how to answer the questions so I just ended up following that and it helped out quite a bit. After some time I fixed up some sentences because they could’ve been written better and I finished the assignment. I was able to critically think and break down the questions so that I was able to answer them.

Photography 10-12 creative and reflective thinking

I can come up with new ideas when I am actually interested in what I am doing. In the light art assignment I did not really have any ideas off the top of my head so I kind of messed around the first few days trying to find inspiration. I wanted to express something that would make people think about what they would ask an object, so an 8 ball works perfectly. If I just drew an 8 ball people would have no clue what I am trying to create so I had to make it a little obvious. While experimenting around with this assignment, you pick up a few things along the way like being quick drawing whatever your drawing or how long the shutter should be open and how high the exposure and aperture should be. I also learned that certain colors can express certain emotions. The lighter a color is the more joy it has and the darker a color is the more moodier the setting is. This setting is moody because of the dark setting and color that the photo portrays. Light Room really helps out with changing certain aspects of your photo like making colors darker or lighter or lowering shadows and getting rid things you do not want in the photo. I can ask for help from people when needed but next time I think ill just ask the teacher for better tips and tricks.

Magic 8 ball

Science Biology 11

critical and reflective thinking

While I was working on this project by myself I tried to find the best material for my virus. I asked my friends question when I needed to if I was confused with something. My friends helped me by telling me what was wrong with this project and how I could improve. If I forgot what I had to do my friends would remind me and show me how to do it. I think in the future if I don’t understand questions I have to do I’ll ask the teacher if he can help me and I can get a better mark on my assignments.

my virus presentaation

Biology 11 Core Competencies self-assesment

Critical and reflective thinking

While I was working on this lab with my group we all took turns picking as many licorice as we could. I asked my group members question when I needed to if I was confused with something. My group members helped me time how long I had and counted the licorice with me to speed up the process. If I forgot the amount of licorice that they picked up I would ask our partners if they had the answer and they helped me out. I think in the future if I don’t understand questions I have to do by myself I’ll ask the teacher if he can help me and I can get a better mark on my assignments.

In this picture there are licorice waiting to be picked off by vicious students.

Spanish 11 Critical and reflective thinking

While working on this script we carefully analyzed our work and helped each other out with the script. Anytime I needed help my partner helped me out along the way. I also asked my friends how my spanish script looked and they helped out with the knowledge they had too. While reading the criteria sheet i struggled putting the idioms and phrases in the dialogue. My partner helped me out by helping me choose better idioms and phrases. One of my goals is to be able to write an entire script on my own.


Automotive technology 11 Core Competency self-assessment

Critical and reflective thinking

Mr. Kent taught us how to take apart brakes and replace certain pieces of the brake. With the information he provided us with, I was able to take apart front and rear brakes with two of my friends. I was struggling to put it back together, but with his help he showed me how to put the piece where it belonged. With the help he provided I was able to put together the brake properly. While i was fixing this brake, one of the pieces popped off and caused a leakage, but I put the cap back on the brake cylinder and went along with my day. In the future I will make sure that I check all the parts of the brakes before I put them back together.

These are the parts of my brake put back together

Social Studies 11 Core Competency Self-assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Image analysis

While I was working on this assignment with my partner. we observed and judged the people in the photos do to their circumstances. I asked him questions when I didn’t know the answer to them and he provided me with enough information for me to have a full understanding of what was going on in the picture. I think in the future I’ll try asking my teacher for help with questions I don’t understand but because my partner doesn’t give me a full explanation