Photography 10-12 creative and reflective thinking

I can come up with new ideas when I am actually interested in what I am doing. In the light art assignment I did not really have any ideas off the top of my head so I kind of messed around the first few days trying to find inspiration. I wanted to express something that would make people think about what they would ask an object, so an 8 ball works perfectly. If I just drew an 8 ball people would have no clue what I am trying to create so I had to make it a little obvious. While experimenting around with this assignment, you pick up a few things along the way like being quick drawing whatever your drawing or how long the shutter should be open and how high the exposure and aperture should be. I also learned that certain colors can express certain emotions. The lighter a color is the more joy it has and the darker a color is the more moodier the setting is. This setting is moody because of the dark setting and color that the photo portrays. Light Room really helps out with changing certain aspects of your photo like making colors darker or lighter or lowering shadows and getting rid things you do not want in the photo. I can ask for help from people when needed but next time I think ill just ask the teacher for better tips and tricks.

Magic 8 ball