Indigenous socials

At the start of the semester I didn’t really have an interest in learning about the Indigenous culture because it was being forced on us, but after a few weeks of being in the class it wasn’t so bad. Indigenous culture is very interesting too. From how they would live their lives to their traditions was really interesting. Learning about the fur trade was also very interesting. The course does change your perspective on the indigenous people and makes you symphasize more with them. I chose critical and reflective thinking. When I wasn’t sure with the work I was doing, I would ask my partner to help me and he would usually help me with what I didn’t understand. I think I can improve my skills by asking for more help from the teacher when I don’t completely understand something. Another thing I could work on is handing some assignments in on time. When developing my answers, I could think of how to construct better sentences because many of my answers were basic. I guess my view has changed on the first Nation a little bit. Not much has changed though, I still feel bad for them, they didn’t deserve what happened to them. I guess hearing more about the reserves and the other things that happened to them makes me feel bad about them.

Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self- Assessment

Circular response

I chose the quotation “there was a big wall that tried to stop me, painted, saying private/public property but on the back it said nothing”

I chose this quote because a sign is just a sign, it can’t actually stop you from trespassing into another person’s property. I drew a picture of one person in front of the sign and one person behind the sign saying it says nothing and that they could pass to show it doesn’t matter if you pass or not. Use

Core Competency Self-Assessment

This assignment was different from the other assignments because it was about a sensitive subject. I tried to be understanding when writing down these quotes so that I could get a good grade. Coming up with the signs or symbols was the hardest thing to do because I wasn’t sure what to draw literal and figurative. I had to do some thinking and stay a little bit in flex to complete the assignment so that it was perfect. This assignment helped me learn more about how first nations people were treated.

Creative Thinking Core competencies Art 11-12

I can look for ideas on the internet

When I was thinking about what to draw I had to find inspiration so I went to pinterest to look for ideas. After Spending a few minutes looking for ideas I stumbled across a picture of Kratos and started to draw in pencil. I started adding some things that I thought would look manly. After spending a few hours touching up this drawing I asked my friends what they think of my drawings and they’d tell me what to add. I started shading in the character and adding more hair to his chest and beard and I was all finished.

Don’t be sorry, be better

Favorite recipe

Fruit Crisps

Making and Sharing Reflection

The fruit crisps turned out to be very exquisite. The nice crispy apple smell made me want to devour this dish in seconds. Putting the apples and berries on the bottom and the oats on the top leave for an intriguing dish. Once you dig in for that first bite you can see the beautiful colors at the bottom of the dish. I shared this lovely dish with my good friend Devon and he thought it was a very flavorful dish for early mornings on the weekend. My other group mates Daniel and Richard thought it was good but the berry flavor was a little overpowering but overall they thought it was a decent dish.

Core Competency Reflection

This dish intellectually helped me understand how to not burn the oats and how to properly cook them without burning them. This helped me personally by showing me things like mixing oats and brown sugar, I never would have thought to do that by myself. It helped me communicate with my group member on a better level because it was just me and him that came in to make the recipe that day. Overall it helped me learn new things and helped me with communication.

Favorite Recipe


making and sharing reflection.

This image was taken by me:0

This Recipe was really fun to make with my partner. I didn’t know you could put pancakes in the oven to keep them warm, I would’ve never thought of doing that if it wasn’t for the tutorial. My partner helped me with making the pancakes because he had experience with this recipe in the kitchen. I knew we were a good group when we laughed at our mistakes and corrected ourselves for next time. I wasn’t putting in the correct amount of batter when we were pouring it into the pan, so my partner corrected me and i thanked him. My friend needed help trying to find equipment an because i looked through all the cabinets and remembered all of the equipment places I was able to help him. My phone died but my partner was able to take the picture and share it with me.

My goal is to be able to complete a recipe with no mistakes this year. I want to work on this goal because it will prove that I am very responsible in the kitchen.