Show And Tell Presentation Reflection Edublog Post

Curricular Response

The biggest strength in my presentation is my script. I would like to do differently is preparing, the presentation setup.

Core competency Self-Assessment

I decided to learn more about how the brain functions because I don’t like Horror films at all. The strategies that I used for collecting relevant informant is taking notes as I read through an article.

The Crucible Essay

The paper, that I have attached below discuses about the crucible

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the play. The Crucible contains characters behaving in a confusing manner. This behavior cannot be described and understood by using Kohlberg’s perceptions, requiring further explanation. Kohlberg carries three distinct descriptions of viewpoints, acquired by individuals.  Referring, to the motivation of behaving in a certain way. Furthermore, three categories pre-conventional behavior, conventional behavior, and post conventional behavior. Each category uses factors, when considering looking into the characteristics. Looking into their actions within a given situation. If we understand the consideration and actions, we’ll be able to achieve a better understanding for the characters.

There are characters within the crucible that believe in a certain way, therefore, it’s best to describe them as pre-conventional. This is when you behave in a particular way to obtain reward and avoid punishment. The first pre-conventional character is Tituba.  Parris mentions “(he) will take (her) out and whip (her) to (her) death if (she) do not confess” (Parris Act I). In-order to avoid punishment, she confesses on something, she didn’t do. Avoiding being whipped to death. The next character to discuss that behaves in a way to avoid punishment and obtain reward is, Mrs. Putnam. Due to the false accusations, Mrs. Putnam mentions “(she) takes it on (her) soul, but who else was surely tell (them) what person murdered (her) children.” (Mrs. Putnam Act I).  Rewarding herself and Mr. Putnam, mentioning her children have been murdered by a witch. Stating, it wasn’t her fault for their deaths. Forcing them to carry no griefs and blame for her miscarriages. As-well as, them unable to accuse her of being a witch for miscarriages. The last character is Hale. Discussing, “That man is ordained, that light is in him.” (Hale Act 4) Hale, lied numerous times and has been one of the reasons for some of the hangings in the town. Rewarding him to have an attempt to think positive about what he has done. As you may see from the era employs provided, that the crucible has many characters that behave in a way to avoid punishment and obtain reward.

There are many characters found in the crucible that are conventional. Conventional behaviour is when you behave in a certain way to fit into a group. Parris is a conventional character. He states, “There is danger for (him).” (Parris Act 4) Parris realizes he’s the reason for the hanging of innocent individuals. Enraging, citizens in Salem because of his selfishness. To begin, numerous knives are stabbed in the wooden door. Isolating him completely from the community he was apart of. The next character to discuss is Marry Warren. She behaves in a way that illustrates she wants to fit in a group. Her confession in court, she tells Abby “[she] will never hurt [her] no more” (Marry Act 4). Completely, changing her initial plan to tell the truth. Because the other girls are mocking her, making her look like she possessed them. Mentioning, she let out her spirit towards them. In-order to stop the false accusations, she completely takes back what she has said. The final character is Danforth. Being, the most influential individual in town. He mentions “the court” he’s in. Is the “highest” “of the supreme government of the province” asking, them if they realized that. Considering he was once kicked out of a different township, due to his very large ignorance. Therefore, he’s trying to seem that he’s more influential towards the people of Salem to fit in. Once can see from the examples provided the crucible has many characters that show a desire to fit in.

There are post conventional characters found in the crucible. Post conventional characters internalize sense of right and wrong they are confident in their values and their believes regardless of punishment. First post conventional character to discuss is John Proctor “I have known her” (Act 4). Proctor, has realized, his mistake. Believing it’s right to own up to his wrongdoing. Taking full confidence of his confession regardless of hanging.  The next character that is confident in their sense of values and believes is Danforth “Hang them over town” (Act 4). Influential and having a strong belief about “witchcraft”, he suggests he has all rights. Containing confidence within his words, commanding the hangings of the accused witches. Illustrating, he doesn’t care about people’s lives. Even though, he broke one of the ten commandments “thou shall not kill” within the religion.  Finally, the last character is Hale “(he) beg(s)” (them) know, before another is condemned” (Act 3). Hale contains a sudden sense of right, quickly demanding a stop to hangings. Showing, strong values of knowing that the false accusations cause another life. Believing, in not allowing another innocent life to be taken. Therefore, completely going against Danforth and risking his position in court. Because he stood up for what is right, he would lose all his power and influence. It is evident from the examples provided that many characters in the crucible behaved in a way that meets their sense if values and beliefs with out the concern of punishment or group acceptance.

In conclusion, it is evident that Kullberg’s moral perceptions have been a valuable tool in allowing readers to analyze the characters. Authorizing, the reader to deepen their knowledge of the characters in The Crucible. Creating, further knowledge on the mindsets of that era. Demonstrating, religion’s impact on not only the law and the government, but the overall morality. Because of their beliefs they took superstitions as the evidence. Illustrating there should be, no confusion about the anticipated behaviours from the individuals in The crucible. It has also demonstrated why individuals behave the way they do when faced with certain situations.

Chemistry 12 Self-Assessment

Lab 19C *While tube boil within the Beaker*

Communication Core Competency


My strength that I am most proud about is the communication and the teamwork that me and my partner carried . This meant that when one of us needed help with the measurement on ensuring accuracy then one would watch the cylinder while the other partner poured the chemical. The improvement aspect would be the patience. Me and my partner did not carry a lot of patience as we should be, because it was very time consuming especially when it came to diluting the solid within the test tube. While watching the temperature of the water making sure it doesn’t boil leading to the glass breaking. Leading me to set the goal of carrying more patience throughout the communication.

Life Saving Measures

Takeaways From The Presentation.

During, the three presentations that occurred this week I’ve learned more about the effects, consequences, and the reason for drug/substance abuse. Leading, to numerous takeaways. (my first takeaway) To begin, are 60-90% of drug usages begin with trauma from generations or from parents who are addicts. (Second Takeaway) Creating, the second route of the individual where he or she cannot control the usages of the substance. Eventually, building up the substance within one’s body that would lead to long term health issues. Therefore, changing/shaping that person completely into someone that they were preventing from becoming in the beginning. (My last takeaway) As, the time would pass the addiction would grow, leading to consequences such as losing a job, losing a healthy relationship with someone such as your loved ones. Take in for example; The Story from the ER when the woman would constantly stumble into the lobby completely drugged often. Leading, the staff to not even bother, to continue to help her anymore.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency

I can analyze evidence to make judgements within an unexpected situation. A simple step that I would take before stepping in completely is to check for the signs that the nurse has mention of the individual. Therefore, to look for a response back to ensure that they are conscious.

Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection

To begin, Learning the vocabulary within this course was the most hardest aspect in my opinion because I had to ensure that I understood what I was talking about. For example; not just completing the answer and just showing the operation on each step. Because when we see every small math problem it contains a characteristic to it. For example; The characteristics of a Parabola would; opens up, and open down the Ys are the same, symmetrical, and no vertical shift. While, the notes came in handy another aspect that I took into consideration is working collaboratively with others especially, when it comes to groupwork. Having on hand-notes helps me reflect on it when I needed it the most, while I combine who my groupmates knowledge. This led to me knowing how to commit to individual practice, and how to problem solve when I’m stuck on a problem. However, if it was really bothering me I would message my friends who are currently taking Calculus 12 this semester. If in that case it still didn’t work then I would write down questions and place a sticky note next to it, then as questions when I return to class the next day. However, sometimes I would refer to the videos on the Extra resources, section on Teams, next to it is my notes because it contains more of the vocabulary aspect. Which, came in handy with the preparation of future exams. Leading for Strategically preparing for assessments is an aspect that requires more of a slow growth. Instead, of me trying to cramp each aspect of sections into one which takes longer periods of time. In-which I should prioritize more of the questions that I don’t really understand.

Advices That I Would Give To Future Students

Take a ton of notes especially, within Class and group works. Therefore, I highly recommend if there’s a question that you are unsure about during the Group work, once you have gotten the solution write it down as a note. Therefore, for sure you would need it for the future.

French Movie Poster

Creating and innovating

During, this projected my strongest element was the creating and innovating aspect. The Innovating aspect was Visualized in me trying to convince myself to learn new verbs and how to conjugate them especially in a format of a Paragraph. Therefore, In-order to do that I had to write it in English first then in French, leading to the final part of the proper conjugations of the verbs. The pronunciation had to be as-well reviewed multiple times and wrote down the pronunciation on the side of the new word. The Creating aspect was the easiest and the one I had the most fun with. While I was considering how to design it I had to look over, the theme of the movie and the year it was made. So, I followed the theme of pink, rhinestones, and the writing. However, Since I noticed she had a diary of bright pink the beginning I wanted to incorporate that as-well. So, I followed that theme creating a 90s theme Poster.

My French Movie Poster

I forgot to Take a picture of it before handing it in. Therefore, I have my socials project next to it.

My Parabola

My Parabola in Desmos

The Parent Equation and The Equation with Explanation

The significance of A, H, and K in my equation is the difference it makes then the parent function. However, since the Value on “K” is negative that indicates that the value will shift down and that is what you see up above at the Parabola. Therefore, when you look at the parent function it would shift up instead of down. When we turn of the 1/2 value also known as “A” we can notice the following: 0 < a <1 therefore, we can already notice that it would stretch out rather then the parent function. “H” Symbolizes the shifts and so, that it’s negative then that indicates that it would shift to the left. Therefore, to summarize the whole difference on how it differs from the Parent values are their Values. The Parent values the opposite then my own equation, in conclusion the shifts of the parabola are in the opposite directions of up and down, and side to side. A better explanation is the notes that was given and what I used:

The significance of the Values :


Mathematical Ideas In Multiple Ways

An example from this assignment where I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways are the following:

All the functions in the equation is all the characteristics of the parabola such as the shifts direction up and down (range), the direction, and the width

To conclude my explanation is that all the characteristics of the Parabola was represented in multiple ways, just as-well differing from the original parent formula

The Vocabulary

During, this assignment I as-well had to use is the Vocabulary terms such as the Vertex, Range, and the Determination of the Width of the Parabola. That you must consider that if a > 1 then it would compress and if 0 < a then it would stretch out.

The Organization

Everything, is organized by category all relying on the category of what the Paragraph and explanation is. As-well as-providing notes and examples that I have used during this unit that Extremely helped with muy understanding. Indicating, that it is a very well explanation.

Inquiry Reflection

My Inquiry Question is how does a student athlete balance everything? My focus will never change or shift because I’m a fellow student athlete myself and I have constantly asked myself this particular question. Within the time management of my question it’s going quite well. I use Cent Time during Wednesdays so, I could drift my focus on my other assignments outside of school and other days. The videos around the internet that are realistic is hard find. Therefore, truthful advise and perspectives are very limited. But, this does not stop me from finding someone who would motivate me on continuing my fitness/athletics and academic journey. I follow Lenalifts and LivlivinLife because they have showed the ups and downs and how important your health and mental health is. The books that I have read are all focused around Empowerment and motivation. The BIOGRAPHY books that I have read are Kevin Garnett and my most favorite book “Can you hear me now” all these books and lots more revolves around the way that you should never give up. Which has helped me overcome many challenges, in such that made me stronger. For example; a teacher telling me that I cannot go far, with my future career and the way that I gave up on myself multiple times was very common. However, I overcame them by standing persistent and tall forcing myself to look on the positive and the future outcome. Therefore, I have never faced a challenge currently. Indicating a larger growth within a core competency while the inquiry process takes place is remarkable. Taking place within the Personal and Social competency I have found out what I am capable of achieving and overcoming whatever has been thrown at me. Making me more determined to prove my point of never giving up on your dream. Leaving, the outcome presentation to be a short recap vlog and scrapbook of this year. This has been the most interesting journey and I plan to use this on my Capstone next year.