Romeo And Juliet

Romeo And Juliet 

The concept of Romeo and Juliet was beautiful in it’s own specific way and in the format of how it’s written. Within the structure of the story it provided the feeling of being in love with someone you never thought you would fall for. No-matter what reputation that person had. Especially, the discrimination that if you can be together or not. Due, to that fact of how truly they love each other. Therefore, indicating it’s enough to do everything just to see one another once again. Even if that causes Juliet to bend the rules, in which she has never done that before. They would do everything for one another, put them beyond their own safety, even if it meant you would lose your family it didn’t matter. Because in the end at-least you have that person in your life. You can spot the clear excitement and safety they get when they’re together, It’s like they’re in paradise. Juliet understood Romeo in ways he couldn’t even understand himself and that goes for Juliet as-well. It could just be the blink of an eye in which no words have to be said. Then, holding onto each other so tightly not wanting to let go until it’s been resolved.  

It’s rare to see a love like that in this society, but I learned it can still exist. In some parts of this world or most likely here. You are already set to be married and date with someone you barley know. Most likely your family will be the one setting it up, like the exact way Mr. Capulet had purposed an arrange marriage with Pairs. This could sometimes be in a situation with a family friend that is being set-up with you, even if you don’t love him/her. You would just want to please them so, you would just go with them even if It tare you apart then it feels like it you got thrown against the wall. It’ll feel like an endless bleeding and crying deep inside because every-time you look at that person you think to yourself , “it’s not who you want to go with”. Within myself I have learned that with true love it takes time. You’ll know it’s real when you will fight everyone just to be with that person. Encourage you to do things you never did before in a positive manner. When you catch just a sight of him your smile grows so bright and big. As he smiles back your smile grows wider. The whispers among your friends start to not matter because when he smile back at you it’s all complete. In a situation where you would need to hide that person just to protect them from everything then you would. It didn’t matter if your going to go against your own family and society. As-long as that person is safe and you can hold onto them, then it’ll be just fine. Because it doesn’t matter if everyone hates you as-long as that person is clean (you’ll begin to put that person above you). To summarize the paragraph I learned that I could love someone unconditionally, to the full extent of hiding them from my family. Do things that I never thought I could do before because I was self-doubting my achievements. Shakespeare wants us to learn about true love especially, how it really means to be in it to show their side of the story. 


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