Life Saving Measures

Takeaways From The Presentation.

During, the three presentations that occurred this week I’ve learned more about the effects, consequences, and the reason for drug/substance abuse. Leading, to numerous takeaways. (my first takeaway) To begin, are 60-90% of drug usages begin with trauma from generations or from parents who are addicts. (Second Takeaway) Creating, the second route of the individual where he or she cannot control the usages of the substance. Eventually, building up the substance within one’s body that would lead to long term health issues. Therefore, changing/shaping that person completely into someone that they were preventing from becoming in the beginning. (My last takeaway) As, the time would pass the addiction would grow, leading to consequences such as losing a job, losing a healthy relationship with someone such as your loved ones. Take in for example; The Story from the ER when the woman would constantly stumble into the lobby completely drugged often. Leading, the staff to not even bother, to continue to help her anymore.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency

I can analyze evidence to make judgements within an unexpected situation. A simple step that I would take before stepping in completely is to check for the signs that the nurse has mention of the individual. Therefore, to look for a response back to ensure that they are conscious.

Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection

To begin, Learning the vocabulary within this course was the most hardest aspect in my opinion because I had to ensure that I understood what I was talking about. For example; not just completing the answer and just showing the operation on each step. Because when we see every small math problem it contains a characteristic to it. For example; The characteristics of a Parabola would; opens up, and open down the Ys are the same, symmetrical, and no vertical shift. While, the notes came in handy another aspect that I took into consideration is working collaboratively with others especially, when it comes to groupwork. Having on hand-notes helps me reflect on it when I needed it the most, while I combine who my groupmates knowledge. This led to me knowing how to commit to individual practice, and how to problem solve when I’m stuck on a problem. However, if it was really bothering me I would message my friends who are currently taking Calculus 12 this semester. If in that case it still didn’t work then I would write down questions and place a sticky note next to it, then as questions when I return to class the next day. However, sometimes I would refer to the videos on the Extra resources, section on Teams, next to it is my notes because it contains more of the vocabulary aspect. Which, came in handy with the preparation of future exams. Leading for Strategically preparing for assessments is an aspect that requires more of a slow growth. Instead, of me trying to cramp each aspect of sections into one which takes longer periods of time. In-which I should prioritize more of the questions that I don’t really understand.

Advices That I Would Give To Future Students

Take a ton of notes especially, within Class and group works. Therefore, I highly recommend if there’s a question that you are unsure about during the Group work, once you have gotten the solution write it down as a note. Therefore, for sure you would need it for the future.

My Parabola

My Parabola in Desmos

The Parent Equation and The Equation with Explanation

The significance of A, H, and K in my equation is the difference it makes then the parent function. However, since the Value on “K” is negative that indicates that the value will shift down and that is what you see up above at the Parabola. Therefore, when you look at the parent function it would shift up instead of down. When we turn of the 1/2 value also known as “A” we can notice the following: 0 < a <1 therefore, we can already notice that it would stretch out rather then the parent function. “H” Symbolizes the shifts and so, that it’s negative then that indicates that it would shift to the left. Therefore, to summarize the whole difference on how it differs from the Parent values are their Values. The Parent values the opposite then my own equation, in conclusion the shifts of the parabola are in the opposite directions of up and down, and side to side. A better explanation is the notes that was given and what I used:

The significance of the Values :


Mathematical Ideas In Multiple Ways

An example from this assignment where I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways are the following:

All the functions in the equation is all the characteristics of the parabola such as the shifts direction up and down (range), the direction, and the width

To conclude my explanation is that all the characteristics of the Parabola was represented in multiple ways, just as-well differing from the original parent formula

The Vocabulary

During, this assignment I as-well had to use is the Vocabulary terms such as the Vertex, Range, and the Determination of the Width of the Parabola. That you must consider that if a > 1 then it would compress and if 0 < a then it would stretch out.

The Organization

Everything, is organized by category all relying on the category of what the Paragraph and explanation is. As-well as-providing notes and examples that I have used during this unit that Extremely helped with muy understanding. Indicating, that it is a very well explanation.

Facing A Challenge

The First Problem I Had Difficulties With.

Reflection Paragraph

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because, it was the first problem that I came upon on again in a year. This indicated that I needed time to refresh and go over the past material in-order to move forward successfully, even if this meant to review the basics of basics. When I first attempted to solve the problem, I contained numerous and very hilarious mistakes. This would include, forgetting how to factor out the GCF creating small mistakes of miscalculations within the steps. Therefore, I came into consideration that if I didn’t know how to solve this a specific part within the entire question, then I couldn’t move further onto any steps. Because every step was a big part that the other steps built on. Therefore, I used countless of materials In-order for me to be successful. I had to watch over YouTube videos that go over step by step and provide a detailed procedure/explanation. Then, when I contained the basic of skills such as factoring binomials and trinomials I attempted the question again. If however, I was stuck on a specific Step I would consult first the teacher right away, then my classmate. Within, the building of my knowledge the skills I needed to remember were the most important ones such as the combination of like terms, factoring, and lastly the rule of dealing with positive and negative. This could help when I encounter a much more difficult problem because I can go over it step by step while applying the knowledge that I have previously learned. However, it gets too difficult then I would consult a teacher or my tutor.

How I Also Used The Core Competency

To summarize the entire paragraph the key aspect that I took into consideration on, is to not to panic over the amount of steps that need to be taken. Rather, then to come down get help when needed and to review the material. The type of core competency that I used also needed to review on critical thinking

Lab 20C: Acid-Base Titration Lab

Lab Video (Video was too long to Put)

Curricular Reflection

A titration is a Technique in where a solution is continuously added to determine the concentration of another solution. For example; The Titration that is used in this particular lab is The HCL located within a burrete containing the known concentration and volume. While the NaOH carries the known Volume, but unknown concentration located in the Erlenmeyer flask. The endpoint or also known as the equivalence point of a titration is known by changing the Ph level of the substance using an indicator. You will know when you have reached the end point when your substance has turned a very, very light Colour. A further depth explanation is seen in the very end of the video. When the mixture has turned the exact colour that we wanted, The color was transparent, but can still be seen. Thus, indicating that we didn’t over shoot , nor over concentrated it.

Core Competency Reflection:

This Revolved all around the Communication Aspect. During this lab ]it took partnership, focus, and Patience especially, when dealing with half drops. Me and My partner, both took tasks when cleaning the equipment for the next Trail and as-well changing the tasks when it came to the actual procedure. During the video you can see our roles switch when you get further in. However, when something came up that we were unsure about we would combine both our notes and See what we has to do, especially this would consist of us looking back at the actual procedure in OneNote.

Slinky Lab

Reflecting On The Lab

This lab has carried the procedures to be very precise when it comes to the PHET Lab. The timer had to be pressed on the exact time it hits the end if not it can fully provide you with a wrong answer. It was both interesting, easy, and a-bit confusing, but over all it didn’t have much information that had to be written.

The Lab Papers

Core competency

I would say that since, this lab was more simpler then the other ones. This revolves around more of the communication aspect amongst the core competencies. Thus, I will reflect on the groups communication and how I contributed, and therefore I think I did an excellent job in. Because I would give my own opinion and share what we think while at the same time combining everyone’s opinions and listening to what everyone had to say. Therefore, everyone has a contribution to the group.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency “Communication”

Dichotomous Key (Partner: Anita)
A step By Step Procedure


collaboration for your artifact was a group project for our Dichotomous Unit. The Roles that were considered between me and my partner is that we would differently collaborate and share our ideas to one another. But, one of us would Record while the other one was organizing it into the categories that we agree on. After everything was organize, we would switch turns so, the other person would organize it into further smaller groups while the other one was writing it down. During, the collaboration we had some disagreements, on certain things. In-order to come in terms with one another we would try to consider a middle ground sharing each-other’s ideas to create a much bigger one. However, the end result, concluded that I would like to improve more on having have patience during group projects.