Facing A Challenge

The First Problem I Had Difficulties With.

Reflection Paragraph

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because, it was the first problem that I came upon on again in a year. This indicated that I needed time to refresh and go over the past material in-order to move forward successfully, even if this meant to review the basics of basics. When I first attempted to solve the problem, I contained numerous and very hilarious mistakes. This would include, forgetting how to factor out the GCF creating small mistakes of miscalculations within the steps. Therefore, I came into consideration that if I didn’t know how to solve this a specific part within the entire question, then I couldn’t move further onto any steps. Because every step was a big part that the other steps built on. Therefore, I used countless of materials In-order for me to be successful. I had to watch over YouTube videos that go over step by step and provide a detailed procedure/explanation. Then, when I contained the basic of skills such as factoring binomials and trinomials I attempted the question again. If however, I was stuck on a specific Step I would consult first the teacher right away, then my classmate. Within, the building of my knowledge the skills I needed to remember were the most important ones such as the combination of like terms, factoring, and lastly the rule of dealing with positive and negative. This could help when I encounter a much more difficult problem because I can go over it step by step while applying the knowledge that I have previously learned. However, it gets too difficult then I would consult a teacher or my tutor.

How I Also Used The Core Competency

To summarize the entire paragraph the key aspect that I took into consideration on, is to not to panic over the amount of steps that need to be taken. Rather, then to come down get help when needed and to review the material. The type of core competency that I used also needed to review on critical thinking

Lab 20C: Acid-Base Titration Lab

Lab Video (Video was too long to Put) https://www.canva.com/design/DAFXZJB8g1M/dnavIIAhhmadsQ2tduwooA/edit?utm_content=DAFXZJB8g1M&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton&classId=0a427821-20f9-46c0-8bf5-66438084f18b&assignmentId=b4b828c6-33be-458c-91b8-a62f8ce8253f&submissionId=4bf2451c-9d22-4a74-2a7c-4b4f92903331

Curricular Reflection

A titration is a Technique in where a solution is continuously added to determine the concentration of another solution. For example; The Titration that is used in this particular lab is The HCL located within a burrete containing the known concentration and volume. While the NaOH carries the known Volume, but unknown concentration located in the Erlenmeyer flask. The endpoint or also known as the equivalence point of a titration is known by changing the Ph level of the substance using an indicator. You will know when you have reached the end point when your substance has turned a very, very light Colour. A further depth explanation is seen in the very end of the video. When the mixture has turned the exact colour that we wanted, The color was transparent, but can still be seen. Thus, indicating that we didn’t over shoot , nor over concentrated it.

Core Competency Reflection:

This Revolved all around the Communication Aspect. During this lab ]it took partnership, focus, and Patience especially, when dealing with half drops. Me and My partner, both took tasks when cleaning the equipment for the next Trail and as-well changing the tasks when it came to the actual procedure. During the video you can see our roles switch when you get further in. However, when something came up that we were unsure about we would combine both our notes and See what we has to do, especially this would consist of us looking back at the actual procedure in OneNote.

Slinky Lab

Reflecting On The Lab

This lab has carried the procedures to be very precise when it comes to the PHET Lab. The timer had to be pressed on the exact time it hits the end if not it can fully provide you with a wrong answer. It was both interesting, easy, and a-bit confusing, but over all it didn’t have much information that had to be written.

The Lab Papers

Core competency

I would say that since, this lab was more simpler then the other ones. This revolves around more of the communication aspect amongst the core competencies. Thus, I will reflect on the groups communication and how I contributed, and therefore I think I did an excellent job in. Because I would give my own opinion and share what we think while at the same time combining everyone’s opinions and listening to what everyone had to say. Therefore, everyone has a contribution to the group.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency “Communication”

Dichotomous Key (Partner: Anita)
A step By Step Procedure


collaboration for your artifact was a group project for our Dichotomous Unit. The Roles that were considered between me and my partner is that we would differently collaborate and share our ideas to one another. But, one of us would Record while the other one was organizing it into the categories that we agree on. After everything was organize, we would switch turns so, the other person would organize it into further smaller groups while the other one was writing it down. During, the collaboration we had some disagreements, on certain things. In-order to come in terms with one another we would try to consider a middle ground sharing each-other’s ideas to create a much bigger one. However, the end result, concluded that I would like to improve more on having have patience during group projects.

Romeo And Juliet

Romeo And Juliet 

The concept of Romeo and Juliet was beautiful in it’s own specific way and in the format of how it’s written. Within the structure of the story it provided the feeling of being in love with someone you never thought you would fall for. No-matter what reputation that person had. Especially, the discrimination that if you can be together or not. Due, to that fact of how truly they love each other. Therefore, indicating it’s enough to do everything just to see one another once again. Even if that causes Juliet to bend the rules, in which she has never done that before. They would do everything for one another, put them beyond their own safety, even if it meant you would lose your family it didn’t matter. Because in the end at-least you have that person in your life. You can spot the clear excitement and safety they get when they’re together, It’s like they’re in paradise. Juliet understood Romeo in ways he couldn’t even understand himself and that goes for Juliet as-well. It could just be the blink of an eye in which no words have to be said. Then, holding onto each other so tightly not wanting to let go until it’s been resolved.  

It’s rare to see a love like that in this society, but I learned it can still exist. In some parts of this world or most likely here. You are already set to be married and date with someone you barley know. Most likely your family will be the one setting it up, like the exact way Mr. Capulet had purposed an arrange marriage with Pairs. This could sometimes be in a situation with a family friend that is being set-up with you, even if you don’t love him/her. You would just want to please them so, you would just go with them even if It tare you apart then it feels like it you got thrown against the wall. It’ll feel like an endless bleeding and crying deep inside because every-time you look at that person you think to yourself , “it’s not who you want to go with”. Within myself I have learned that with true love it takes time. You’ll know it’s real when you will fight everyone just to be with that person. Encourage you to do things you never did before in a positive manner. When you catch just a sight of him your smile grows so bright and big. As he smiles back your smile grows wider. The whispers among your friends start to not matter because when he smile back at you it’s all complete. In a situation where you would need to hide that person just to protect them from everything then you would. It didn’t matter if your going to go against your own family and society. As-long as that person is safe and you can hold onto them, then it’ll be just fine. Because it doesn’t matter if everyone hates you as-long as that person is clean (you’ll begin to put that person above you). To summarize the paragraph I learned that I could love someone unconditionally, to the full extent of hiding them from my family. Do things that I never thought I could do before because I was self-doubting my achievements. Shakespeare wants us to learn about true love especially, how it really means to be in it to show their side of the story. 

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility In CLE 10

The Class Party Project

I’ve chosen this artifact because it demonstrates that will a lot of time management and taking full responsibility on something it can show the beauty of it. Especially, it took 21 digital pages:) I also =, interviewed a couple of my peers in what they think about my plan. Any opinions recommendations, using that I combined a class party with what my actual peer students prefer. At the same times, while using the creativity aspect I incorporated a perfect (sort of Ideal) Class party.

I can resolve problems by identifying any following issues that is thrown at my way by creating different types of strategies. In which can help me develop Knowledge for different perspectives on certain issues. Any opinions that has been said always matters especially, in any group activities. I kindly show empathy, disagree respectfully, making sure I create a space that I would love to be in.

I’ve definitely had a common challenge that everyone would face while working with social responsibility is sometimes handing this on time. That when it comes to mind you quickly act on it last minute. Staying up late just to make sure that you finished everything with no time management at all. It would definitely help me if I kept a planner and a to-doo list to keep track of any homework, if I want to volunteer, work hours, and practices. At the same time as-well plan with family and friends. However, this taught me that it’s important to take full responsibility on your actions and project that you should own up too.

I learned that in-order to fully improve yourself you should take full responsibility un everything that you do especially in-class works. This could better your productivity and make sure that you hand in everything on time especially, on handing everything on time. This would help better improve yourself and so, that you can become a better version of yourself.

When applied in your everyday life you can then begin to see the excellence of your productivity and how much of your homework you can get done without slacking and giving more room for your friends and family

In conclusion I have learned that you the most important competency for you during your education is The Social Awareness and Responsibility aspect.

Racism with regard to To Kill a Mockingbird.

The concept of racism within the Canadian society is seen in a blind eye and is very common but isn’t non-existent. In which indicates that it has been talked about but, little action has been taken further. For instance, everywhere you walk you can hear numerous conversations from many people on mocking “Specific nationality or talking about how their life is already set out to be”. One of the famous examples is Asian hate using jokes that they find is funny, without realizing it’s heavily racist and hurtful towards others. Some concepts that are used is to describe very “Dark” meanings towards a specific skin color or nationality. Going back to the beginning of Covid the discrimination grew much more towards Asians because some would say that “they looked all similar, so you must be the cause”. Removing people from their jobs or harassment verbally and physically. The racial slurs have gotten more common by some very known influencers that refers it as just a “joke” when stereotyping others. Sadly enough, it’s never going to stop because with people’s arrogant different perspectives on nationalities and then influencing the younger generation is an ongoing cycle. After reading “How To Kill A Mockingbird” the original concept of racism has not changed affected the common views rather than a reminder to how horrible racism is dating as back as the olden days. It also provides the visual of how horrible people were, being very arrogant was very common during those times. Their perspectives is then passed on from generations to generations. In conclusion, Racism has not really disappeared even if people try very hard to change it.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


Explanation short paragraph:

This project in Science 10 demonstrated that I show others, I truly value their contributions by trying to comprise with everyone’s ideas and mine into one big invention. Providing a clear visual on the values in teamwork, in which I take a full role and responsibility in a group discussion. Sharing my thoughts and ideas on how we can achieve the goal as a team, while still being respectful of others. This could also help by applying constructive strategies to navigate misunderstandings and conflicts that will go on. A common issue is, If the group is not being as productive, we can re-read the criteria sheet or take a small break to ease our minds in order to get things moving in the right direction. To indicate a proper mindset and broader new ideas.