My Parabola

My Parabola in Desmos

The Parent Equation and The Equation with Explanation

The significance of A, H, and K in my equation is the difference it makes then the parent function. However, since the Value on “K” is negative that indicates that the value will shift down and that is what you see up above at the Parabola. Therefore, when you look at the parent function it would shift up instead of down. When we turn of the 1/2 value also known as “A” we can notice the following: 0 < a <1 therefore, we can already notice that it would stretch out rather then the parent function. “H” Symbolizes the shifts and so, that it’s negative then that indicates that it would shift to the left. Therefore, to summarize the whole difference on how it differs from the Parent values are their Values. The Parent values the opposite then my own equation, in conclusion the shifts of the parabola are in the opposite directions of up and down, and side to side. A better explanation is the notes that was given and what I used:

The significance of the Values :


Mathematical Ideas In Multiple Ways

An example from this assignment where I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways are the following:

All the functions in the equation is all the characteristics of the parabola such as the shifts direction up and down (range), the direction, and the width

To conclude my explanation is that all the characteristics of the Parabola was represented in multiple ways, just as-well differing from the original parent formula

The Vocabulary

During, this assignment I as-well had to use is the Vocabulary terms such as the Vertex, Range, and the Determination of the Width of the Parabola. That you must consider that if a > 1 then it would compress and if 0 < a then it would stretch out.

The Organization

Everything, is organized by category all relying on the category of what the Paragraph and explanation is. As-well as-providing notes and examples that I have used during this unit that Extremely helped with muy understanding. Indicating, that it is a very well explanation.