Do I look for personal relationships that confirm or challenge my beliefs, values, and ideas? Why?

When I am making friends I usually choose someone that has a similar personality to me. Most if my friends have a loud outgoing personality which I enjoy. We all have the same type of humour and get along well. At sports I am friends with all my teammates and we will always push each other to get better and try harder.It’s good to be around people that push and motivate you to always be better.

I can initiate actions that bring me joy and satisfaction and recognize that I play a role in my well-being.

The people that you choose to be around can really effect your life. Some people may make you really happy and want to be around them but others don’t. You have to think about yourself sometimes and that might effect who you hangout with. Being around someone to motivate you to do better is the best person to be around. You will get stuff done faster and accomplish your goals, leaving you happier.


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