social studies 10 reflection

Self Reflection

When I did this project, I put in lot of effort as I love my country and this project was perfect for it. The pamphlet you see is about the 2022 freedom convoy hosted by truckers around Canada, a protest that took place in January last year. The core competency that this project would go under would be creative thinking due to the design (and the lack of a core competency to compliment the effort I put in).

Core Competency Reflection

I can complete tasks in a short amount of time

I can put effort into my assignments

I can come up with creative ideas on a whim

I can use other’s ideas to create a new original idea.

Math 10 Statistics Project

Core Competency Reflection

“I can identify my strengths and limits, find internal motivation, and act on opportunities for self-growth”

I can kind of do this. My strengths and limits are the easy bit, I know what strengths I have, and weaknesses I have. I cannot find any internal motivation for the life of me, and it’s a little bit hard to act on opportunities, it has been easier recently, though. This project brought out my biggest weakness, and it’s when I don’t ask for help. I asked for help maybe twice in this project, when I probably should’ve asked more, although I did manage to get it done.