Reflection on English Studies

My Artefact

285 Q10-the months pass by the summer of 1918 is the most bloody and the most terrible the days days stand like angels in blue and gold incompressible above the ring of annihilation every man here knows that we are losing the war not much is said about it we are falling back we will not be able to attack again after this and no more ammunition still the campaign goes on the dying goes on

The meaning of this quote is that the soldiers have come to your realization that they’re not gonna win, and they have limited time left and supplies and they don’t have much chance of winning Answering to realize how pointless it is to send more men out to die for nothing. there’s no way to stop death around

[Imagery] This is imagery because it describes their situation and the emotion and views of the soldiers as well as the situation they’ve been put in

Curricular competency reflection

learning a straigising to gather information in order to have collected evidence for projects/assigments. Gathering quotes and evidence for debates and essays. Finding topics to debate on and rebutals.using critical thinking to father my education.

Core Competency reflection

I respectfully advocate for my needs by, speaking to the teacher for help ways to get around problems.

An example of where i build upon someone else’s ideas is, through the debate i added on to others ideas and opinions to extend our thinking

math self assessment

By toking to frends in the classroom, I make a positive difference to my peers.

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, doing work helps me be more productive or calm.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in metal class

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is metal class