Capitol Mutation Collaborative Project

My Project

Public Speaking

I have learned to be more confident in public speaking. Additionally I have learned that I feel less nervous if I’m doing public speaking with someone else rather than by myself. One thing that is really necessary is that I have to make eye contact which for me is kind of hard since I feel awkward doing that so I would just look to a wall or outside which I would try to learn to do differently. One major thing that public speaking helps me learn is improving my English when I speak especially since it is kind of hard to because English is my second language.

Collaborating Core Competency Reflection

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to… discuss on the disagreement and why they disagree and then find something we all agree on.

If the group is not productive, we can …. in order to get things moving in the right direction.

We can discussion way of doing the assignment ina fun way so we still do the assignment and not feel bored.

I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by…

To ask them personally if they agree on what we are doing or if they have any ideas instead.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by… adding their ideas to the work or if they prefer that they do it by themselves, so it doesn’t feel like I’m doing all the work.


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