Core Competency Assessment- Career Life Education 10

Core Competency Reflection

My Artifact: Life Road Map

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to… I find it helpful to listen to everyone’s opinion first and then ask why they disagree, I then suggest which could be better for the group and if there isn’t one, I would say that we should find one as a group. I think making sure everyone has it clear what we are looking for is very helpful, since sometimes some people may not have understand that assignment in the first place, after everything is clear I make sure everyone is agreeing, since that what team work is.

I notice when people feel left out and do this… to make sure they feel included. When I notice that someone feels left out I try to bring them into whatever we are doing but in a discreet way, since being obvious might make them feel even worse, I would first start by stating my opinion first and then asking for their opinion, since maybe asking them first might pressure them. I then start making small talk with them, and eventually bring everyone else into the conversation or whatever we were doing that was making them feel left out and that way making sure they feel included.


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