Favourite Recipe

Cast Iron Skillet Pizza

Making and Sharing Reflection

Making: While making dishes we need to use a lot of food, for example for flavor or even for garnish, we of course need to minimize waste. To accomplish this we need to use every little thing, and only take what we are going to eat. However, sometimes we take way too much, so what we can do is that we can ask our partner or our table group to see if they want any more and that way we don’t waste. For example when making the pizza I took way too much spinach so I asked my partner if he wanted any more, there is a chance that when asking our partner they might deny so what we can do is to just add the ingredient to our dish and hope for the best. Another way that we can minimize waste is that when we are chopping our ingredients we cut everything we have to not waste and for example if it has a root then we chop the closest to the root if its possible.

Sharing: Deciding on who to share my food that I have made in class isn’t a hard thing. Whenever I make food I’m happy to share with my family and friend if there is enough. I enjoy knowing what their opinion is on my food and that’s one of the major reasons I share them, not only do I enjoy to see that they have liked it, but the also suggest what I could improve on. If there are a lot of pieces then I also eat one or just one half and then the rest I bring it to my family. However, sometimes we cook things that we need to eat at school and aren’t able to take home, so I always suggest that I could someday make it for them at home so they can enjoy it how I did.

Core Competency Reflection

While working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding by… helping my partner or table group if they are struggling to do something or either they don’t understand how to do something. I also to help extend my understanding I’m always asking questions to make sure I’m doing the right thing, I either ask first my partner, and if they don’t know, then ill ask my table group and, if they don’t know then ill ask the table group next to ours and the if they don’t know ill ask the teacher to help me understand better.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by… Asking them questions about the topic that is being discussed, so I can know what is their opinion. I also ask them how they would do a certain something to see if it would be easier to do it their way or another person way. If we are doing another food Off then I would ask them what they think we should for our meal and then ask if everyone agrees and disagrees.

As an active listener, I notice that I … tend to focus better when I’m cooking, since the teacher does demonstrations I find it was easier cooking since I was paying attention and listening very clear. I also notice that when I’m all ears I can answer questions faster since I know the answers since I have been listening.


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