Core Competency Self-Assessment: Ceramics

For this project, I made Mike Wazowski from “Monster’s Inc”. I placed him in part of Boo’s room, to be specific the closet area. I chose this character because he is one of my favorite characters from my childhood. Through this project, I demonstrated Critical and Reflective Thinking. I was able to demonstrate this because throughout this project I had to be creative and use my imagination. One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is… going through Pinterest since the app has a lot of stuff you can be inspired from. After going through Pinterest I mix all of the things I liked into one thing. Not only do I need imagination to be creative but you can also have some skills to help you be better. Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… talking with my peers or friends and getting their opinions on what I could change or improve. Talking with someone about my next project or the one I am currently working on has helped me a lot. Sometimes they might even help me without even realizing it. Talking with someone makes my imagination grow bigger and therefore be more creative.


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