English First Peoples 11 Reflection


My Artifact: This is a paragraph that is part of my Essay on “Pocahontas”

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Create and Communicate: What did you learn during this assignment or task and how did you grow in your writing, speaking, or representing skills? How will you take what you learned and use it towards working on reconciliation? 

  While doing research for the key points for the Essay, I was able to learn about the facts of what happened to the real “Pocahontas” and how Disney made a version that was far from the truth. In fact, her real name was Matoaka not Pocahontas. I learned about similarities & differences between Disney’s version and the real-life story. I was able to grow in my writing skills since I had to find words to be able to connect various kinds of ideas. Now that I know the real story of what happened to Matoaka I can help create awareness and that way people will learn the true story of her and not Disney’s version.

Core Competencies Reflection

Critical Thinking

To gather information, I had to watch the movie so I could write down some main points. After taking some notes, I listened to the audio “Missing Matoaka”. I then also wrote down some of the main points. I compared both and noted the ideas that were quite different and the ideas that were basically the same. For the essay we had to write a draft, so when I had finished a paragraph of the draft, I would ask my teacher if she could check it, so I could get some feedback and how I could improve the paragraphs, of course I tried to improve them as best as I could. If I were to make this essay again what I would improve would be to make sure I read all of the essay before I submit it make sure I edit it.


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