Hunger Games Persuasion Project

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Persuasion and Advertising Techniques

Our project is supposed to show an extravagant item people can buy and wear. We used ethical persuasion techniques which we can find through the quote of Katniss Everdeen’s stylist. The advertising techniques we used were glittering generalities and card stacking. We can take a look at the card stacking which is at the top left corner where it says “100% SAFE” and “100% STYLE”. For example, we used a more fancy font on the “Ever” in the quote. To conclude we hope you enjoy our ad

Core Competency Reflection

Collaboration Prompt: If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to…

I find it helpful to ask why there is a disagreement and within a group, we try to find something we all agree with.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility Prompt: I appreciate feedback on______ and prefer it comes in the form of…

I appreciate feedback on things I might’ve done wrong and I would prefer if it comes in a nice talking form, like the tone on how they explain the feedback.

Communication Prompt: Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in

I would say where I communicate clearly would be where I’m explaining the card stacking technique which we used. Since I tried to be as specific as possible.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Prompt: I used to think_______and now I know______because I …

I used to think there was only one type of persuasion technique which was the tone of voice you used but now I know there are more than what I thought, I also now know that advertising techniques are also part of persuasion.


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