Textiles Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Skills


My artifact is a tiered maxi skirt.

I demonstrated critical and reflective skills by… making sure I learned from my mistakes, so I wouldn’t do them again. For example, For the two first tiers I didn’t align the seams correctly, so when I connected tier 2 and tier 3, I learned from my mistakes and I was able to connect the seams correctly. I had to be very precise with my sewing so that’s where my critical skills come in. I had to make sure that the hem was the same from the front to the back. My skirt has to layers, an inner & outer layer. I knew that if I only did the outer layer then it would be translucent, so I had to make the inner lining that way the skirt was actually useable. The making of the skirt took a lot of math, and I miscalculated a measurement that could’ve “ruined” the skirt and I wouldn’t be able to use it since it wouldn’t fit. I had to re-do the measurement and add to the pattern I had already made. Luckily I caught the mistake before I cut the fabric, so I was able to properly cut the fabric without worries. I knew the skirt would take a long time to complete since I had to make the pattern and then cut the fabric, only then could I start to sew. Since it would take a long time I made sure to come to flex and cent time, that I way I would be able to use all the time I could to complete the skirt. In my opinion I believe I could’ve made the seams better. However I have been practicing and I have gotten better.


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