Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

Floral Dress

I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. When I decided to made this project I already knew I wanted to do a dress as my final project. I searched for many ideas and even patterns. I got interested in sewing last year when it was a unit in our Arts and Crafts. I made a tote bag and a draw string bag. Since then I got interested in sewing and that’s the reason I chose Textiles 11. The projects I have made where all clothing items that I knew I was going to wear, therefore I learned to make them and even make the patterns for them. The creative part of sewing always comes when buying the fabric, since it can change the whole thing. When I bought the pattern I had an idea of what fabric I would buy. Which was a floral pattern fabric.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection


My Artifact: This is a paragraph that is part of my Essay on “Pocahontas”

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Create and Communicate: What did you learn during this assignment or task and how did you grow in your writing, speaking, or representing skills? How will you take what you learned and use it towards working on reconciliation? 

  While doing research for the key points for the Essay, I was able to learn about the facts of what happened to the real “Pocahontas” and how Disney made a version that was far from the truth. In fact, her real name was Matoaka not Pocahontas. I learned about similarities & differences between Disney’s version and the real-life story. I was able to grow in my writing skills since I had to find words to be able to connect various kinds of ideas. Now that I know the real story of what happened to Matoaka I can help create awareness and that way people will learn the true story of her and not Disney’s version.

Core Competencies Reflection

Critical Thinking

To gather information, I had to watch the movie so I could write down some main points. After taking some notes, I listened to the audio “Missing Matoaka”. I then also wrote down some of the main points. I compared both and noted the ideas that were quite different and the ideas that were basically the same. For the essay we had to write a draft, so when I had finished a paragraph of the draft, I would ask my teacher if she could check it, so I could get some feedback and how I could improve the paragraphs, of course I tried to improve them as best as I could. If I were to make this essay again what I would improve would be to make sure I read all of the essay before I submit it make sure I edit it.

Favorite Recipe


Making and Sharing

The procedure for making this recipe started the day before we had to cook. The day before, we prepare the recipe, and we read over the recipe to know what we need to do. Usually, the day before we also have a demo which the teacher does. On the day we have to cook, we review the recipe twice and sometimes make some changes if necessary. This recipe was for the whole table group, but there were only three people that day. So, each one of us had a small job so that the making of the dish was more efficient. For example, each one of us took care of one type of veggie. In this recipe, we practiced knife skills since there were a lot of veggies we had to cut. We used a cast iron to make this dish, we sauteed all the veggies there. We also had to use the oven so the eggs could get cooked by being baked. This dish consisted of eggs being baked into a tomato sauce with veggies. Since the dish was so big it was meant for the whole table group, but that day we were only 3. The dish was so good we ate it all in class, we of course divided it equally. This recipe went very well, especially because we gave ourselves some jobs, for example, one person would take care of the peppers while another would take care of the onions, in my case I took care of the mise en place of the eggs, spinach, and feta cheese. Giving ourselves jobs made us more time efficient so we had more time to sit down and enjoy the dish instead of being rushed.

Core Competency Reflection

I show others that I truly value their contributions by… Asking their opinion on what they think about the recipe. I also asked them what they would like to work on, for example, if they want to be unit or ingredient person.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include… Asking my peers if they had an answer or if they could help me out. If I’m able to, I will search for some information, since some information can only be collected from the internet.

One goal that I have for myself going forward is that I want to be able to complete all the theory work from the recipes as soon as we are done making the dish, or the day after. If I have time before school finishes I will take that time to complete the theory work, if I don’t have time to complete it during class time, I will try to complete it at home or during lunch.

Core Competency Self-Assessment: Ceramics

For this project, I made Mike Wazowski from “Monster’s Inc”. I placed him in part of Boo’s room, to be specific the closet area. I chose this character because he is one of my favorite characters from my childhood. Through this project, I demonstrated Critical and Reflective Thinking. I was able to demonstrate this because throughout this project I had to be creative and use my imagination. One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is… going through Pinterest since the app has a lot of stuff you can be inspired from. After going through Pinterest I mix all of the things I liked into one thing. Not only do I need imagination to be creative but you can also have some skills to help you be better. Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… talking with my peers or friends and getting their opinions on what I could change or improve. Talking with someone about my next project or the one I am currently working on has helped me a lot. Sometimes they might even help me without even realizing it. Talking with someone makes my imagination grow bigger and therefore be more creative.

Favourite Recipe

Cast Iron Skillet Pizza

Making and Sharing Reflection

Making: While making dishes we need to use a lot of food, for example for flavor or even for garnish, we of course need to minimize waste. To accomplish this we need to use every little thing, and only take what we are going to eat. However, sometimes we take way too much, so what we can do is that we can ask our partner or our table group to see if they want any more and that way we don’t waste. For example when making the pizza I took way too much spinach so I asked my partner if he wanted any more, there is a chance that when asking our partner they might deny so what we can do is to just add the ingredient to our dish and hope for the best. Another way that we can minimize waste is that when we are chopping our ingredients we cut everything we have to not waste and for example if it has a root then we chop the closest to the root if its possible.

Sharing: Deciding on who to share my food that I have made in class isn’t a hard thing. Whenever I make food I’m happy to share with my family and friend if there is enough. I enjoy knowing what their opinion is on my food and that’s one of the major reasons I share them, not only do I enjoy to see that they have liked it, but the also suggest what I could improve on. If there are a lot of pieces then I also eat one or just one half and then the rest I bring it to my family. However, sometimes we cook things that we need to eat at school and aren’t able to take home, so I always suggest that I could someday make it for them at home so they can enjoy it how I did.

Core Competency Reflection

While working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding by… helping my partner or table group if they are struggling to do something or either they don’t understand how to do something. I also to help extend my understanding I’m always asking questions to make sure I’m doing the right thing, I either ask first my partner, and if they don’t know, then ill ask my table group and, if they don’t know then ill ask the table group next to ours and the if they don’t know ill ask the teacher to help me understand better.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by… Asking them questions about the topic that is being discussed, so I can know what is their opinion. I also ask them how they would do a certain something to see if it would be easier to do it their way or another person way. If we are doing another food Off then I would ask them what they think we should for our meal and then ask if everyone agrees and disagrees.

As an active listener, I notice that I … tend to focus better when I’m cooking, since the teacher does demonstrations I find it was easier cooking since I was paying attention and listening very clear. I also notice that when I’m all ears I can answer questions faster since I know the answers since I have been listening.

Stock Market: Self Assessment

Curricular Response

Stock vs Bond

A. The difference between Stock and Bond, a stock is when you’re a part owner of a company but a bond is when you’re a lender for a company.

B. The security that tends to have the best rewards or returns is Stock, even though is the one with the highest risk.


A. Risks and returns are almost always connected because higher expected returns come with higher risks.

B. Some steps you could take to mitigate risks while investing in stock, are:

  • Know That the market is uncertain
  • Taking advantage of market ebbs and flows.
  • Always review your process


A. Having a “well-balanced” portfolio means having a mix of stocks and bonds, usually split evenly or with 60% stocks and 40% bonds.

B. Rebalancing is when it involves adjusting the weights of your financial assets to maintain the level of risk you choose. It’s important to “rebalance” your portfolio because that allows you to stay disciplined, buy deals when they come around, and maximize your long-term gains.

Core Competency Assessment

  1. I think I used an acceptable amount of information, although I might have to add a bit more. I used the Class Notebook for some information and googled some other information.
  2. I’m not entirely sure if investing has become a more attainable concept, I think, I would have to consult someone who knows a lot of information about investing so they could help me understand better.
  3. I never really knew anything about investing, so everything I learned is basically new for me, so it hasn’t really changed my perspective on anything.

Core Competency Assessment- Career Life Education 10

Core Competency Reflection

My Artifact: Life Road Map

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to… I find it helpful to listen to everyone’s opinion first and then ask why they disagree, I then suggest which could be better for the group and if there isn’t one, I would say that we should find one as a group. I think making sure everyone has it clear what we are looking for is very helpful, since sometimes some people may not have understand that assignment in the first place, after everything is clear I make sure everyone is agreeing, since that what team work is.

I notice when people feel left out and do this… to make sure they feel included. When I notice that someone feels left out I try to bring them into whatever we are doing but in a discreet way, since being obvious might make them feel even worse, I would first start by stating my opinion first and then asking for their opinion, since maybe asking them first might pressure them. I then start making small talk with them, and eventually bring everyone else into the conversation or whatever we were doing that was making them feel left out and that way making sure they feel included.

Textiles Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

My Artifact: Drawstring Bag

I demonstrated creative thinking skills during this project by this being my first time sewing something, I had never sewed before in my life, and we got the opportunity to make this project I wanted mine to be very creative, I wanted this bag to be Christmas inspired, so when finding the fabric I looked for a fabric that had the Christmas colours, during the period of making this bag, I had to think in many creative ways, for example I’m I wanted the lining to match the outer fabric or if I wanted to contrast it with another colour. Another example would be how I wanted the string to be place, either on the side or the front, another time where I had to think creative was when the teacher asked how we would use it in the future, many people would say to storage things, which is totally fine, but I wanted to be creative, so I decided to use as a decoration for my Christmas tree.