Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

Floral Dress

I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. When I decided to made this project I already knew I wanted to do a dress as my final project. I searched for many ideas and even patterns. I got interested in sewing last year when it was a unit in our Arts and Crafts. I made a tote bag and a draw string bag. Since then I got interested in sewing and that’s the reason I chose Textiles 11. The projects I have made where all clothing items that I knew I was going to wear, therefore I learned to make them and even make the patterns for them. The creative part of sewing always comes when buying the fabric, since it can change the whole thing. When I bought the pattern I had an idea of what fabric I would buy. Which was a floral pattern fabric.

Core Competency Self-Assessment: Ceramics

For this project, I made Mike Wazowski from “Monster’s Inc”. I placed him in part of Boo’s room, to be specific the closet area. I chose this character because he is one of my favorite characters from my childhood. Through this project, I demonstrated Critical and Reflective Thinking. I was able to demonstrate this because throughout this project I had to be creative and use my imagination. One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is… going through Pinterest since the app has a lot of stuff you can be inspired from. After going through Pinterest I mix all of the things I liked into one thing. Not only do I need imagination to be creative but you can also have some skills to help you be better. Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… talking with my peers or friends and getting their opinions on what I could change or improve. Talking with someone about my next project or the one I am currently working on has helped me a lot. Sometimes they might even help me without even realizing it. Talking with someone makes my imagination grow bigger and therefore be more creative.

Core Competency Assessment- Career Life Education 10

Core Competency Reflection

My Artifact: Life Road Map

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to… I find it helpful to listen to everyone’s opinion first and then ask why they disagree, I then suggest which could be better for the group and if there isn’t one, I would say that we should find one as a group. I think making sure everyone has it clear what we are looking for is very helpful, since sometimes some people may not have understand that assignment in the first place, after everything is clear I make sure everyone is agreeing, since that what team work is.

I notice when people feel left out and do this… to make sure they feel included. When I notice that someone feels left out I try to bring them into whatever we are doing but in a discreet way, since being obvious might make them feel even worse, I would first start by stating my opinion first and then asking for their opinion, since maybe asking them first might pressure them. I then start making small talk with them, and eventually bring everyone else into the conversation or whatever we were doing that was making them feel left out and that way making sure they feel included.

Textiles Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

My Artifact: Drawstring Bag

I demonstrated creative thinking skills during this project by this being my first time sewing something, I had never sewed before in my life, and we got the opportunity to make this project I wanted mine to be very creative, I wanted this bag to be Christmas inspired, so when finding the fabric I looked for a fabric that had the Christmas colours, during the period of making this bag, I had to think in many creative ways, for example I’m I wanted the lining to match the outer fabric or if I wanted to contrast it with another colour. Another example would be how I wanted the string to be place, either on the side or the front, another time where I had to think creative was when the teacher asked how we would use it in the future, many people would say to storage things, which is totally fine, but I wanted to be creative, so I decided to use as a decoration for my Christmas tree.

Edublog Self-Assessment

Curricular Response

I would say my partner’s and I’s prediction was accurate. We considered what we were working with, for example, one experiment had a balloon and the other didn’t, so we had to think about what would probably change because of the balloon. I think viewing the question and looking deeper at what we had to do would’ve given me more clues to have a better prediction.


I can analyze evidence to make judegments.

My partner and I took a video as part of our experiment, so we did was analyzed the video and see what information we could find.

I use evidence to make judegments or decisions as demonstrated in this…

With the evidence we had which were the products we were going to use for our experiment, we could judge the evidence and see what could form and make a prediction from it.

Capitol Mutation Collaborative Project

My Project

Public Speaking

I have learned to be more confident in public speaking. Additionally I have learned that I feel less nervous if I’m doing public speaking with someone else rather than by myself. One thing that is really necessary is that I have to make eye contact which for me is kind of hard since I feel awkward doing that so I would just look to a wall or outside which I would try to learn to do differently. One major thing that public speaking helps me learn is improving my English when I speak especially since it is kind of hard to because English is my second language.

Collaborating Core Competency Reflection

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to… discuss on the disagreement and why they disagree and then find something we all agree on.

If the group is not productive, we can …. in order to get things moving in the right direction.

We can discussion way of doing the assignment ina fun way so we still do the assignment and not feel bored.

I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by…

To ask them personally if they agree on what we are doing or if they have any ideas instead.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by… adding their ideas to the work or if they prefer that they do it by themselves, so it doesn’t feel like I’m doing all the work.