Favorite Recipe


Making and Sharing

The procedure for making this recipe started the day before we had to cook. The day before, we prepare the recipe, and we read over the recipe to know what we need to do. Usually, the day before we also have a demo which the teacher does. On the day we have to cook, we review the recipe twice and sometimes make some changes if necessary. This recipe was for the whole table group, but there were only three people that day. So, each one of us had a small job so that the making of the dish was more efficient. For example, each one of us took care of one type of veggie. In this recipe, we practiced knife skills since there were a lot of veggies we had to cut. We used a cast iron to make this dish, we sauteed all the veggies there. We also had to use the oven so the eggs could get cooked by being baked. This dish consisted of eggs being baked into a tomato sauce with veggies. Since the dish was so big it was meant for the whole table group, but that day we were only 3. The dish was so good we ate it all in class, we of course divided it equally. This recipe went very well, especially because we gave ourselves some jobs, for example, one person would take care of the peppers while another would take care of the onions, in my case I took care of the mise en place of the eggs, spinach, and feta cheese. Giving ourselves jobs made us more time efficient so we had more time to sit down and enjoy the dish instead of being rushed.

Core Competency Reflection

I show others that I truly value their contributions by… Asking their opinion on what they think about the recipe. I also asked them what they would like to work on, for example, if they want to be unit or ingredient person.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include… Asking my peers if they had an answer or if they could help me out. If I’m able to, I will search for some information, since some information can only be collected from the internet.

One goal that I have for myself going forward is that I want to be able to complete all the theory work from the recipes as soon as we are done making the dish, or the day after. If I have time before school finishes I will take that time to complete the theory work, if I don’t have time to complete it during class time, I will try to complete it at home or during lunch.