Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

Floral Dress

I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. When I decided to made this project I already knew I wanted to do a dress as my final project. I searched for many ideas and even patterns. I got interested in sewing last year when it was a unit in our Arts and Crafts. I made a tote bag and a draw string bag. Since then I got interested in sewing and that’s the reason I chose Textiles 11. The projects I have made where all clothing items that I knew I was going to wear, therefore I learned to make them and even make the patterns for them. The creative part of sewing always comes when buying the fabric, since it can change the whole thing. When I bought the pattern I had an idea of what fabric I would buy. Which was a floral pattern fabric.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection


My Artifact: This is a paragraph that is part of my Essay on “Pocahontas”

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Create and Communicate: What did you learn during this assignment or task and how did you grow in your writing, speaking, or representing skills? How will you take what you learned and use it towards working on reconciliation? 

  While doing research for the key points for the Essay, I was able to learn about the facts of what happened to the real “Pocahontas” and how Disney made a version that was far from the truth. In fact, her real name was Matoaka not Pocahontas. I learned about similarities & differences between Disney’s version and the real-life story. I was able to grow in my writing skills since I had to find words to be able to connect various kinds of ideas. Now that I know the real story of what happened to Matoaka I can help create awareness and that way people will learn the true story of her and not Disney’s version.

Core Competencies Reflection

Critical Thinking

To gather information, I had to watch the movie so I could write down some main points. After taking some notes, I listened to the audio “Missing Matoaka”. I then also wrote down some of the main points. I compared both and noted the ideas that were quite different and the ideas that were basically the same. For the essay we had to write a draft, so when I had finished a paragraph of the draft, I would ask my teacher if she could check it, so I could get some feedback and how I could improve the paragraphs, of course I tried to improve them as best as I could. If I were to make this essay again what I would improve would be to make sure I read all of the essay before I submit it make sure I edit it.

Facing a Challenge

The First time I tried this problem I found it challenging because… I was confused with another way of solving a similar problem. I also got confused on how the end results should look with the same similar problem which would look like this example: x2 + 6x + 8.

At first, I would do the X with 3 x2 + 14x + 8, without multiplying the 3 with 8. Then I finally realized I was doing it wrong and I started multiplying them. Secondly, I would confuse the endings, so the result for x2 + 6x +8 is (x+2)(x+4), so for 3 x2+ 14x +8 the result I would put was (x+2)(x+12), instead of (3 x2 +12x)(2x+8) and then 3x( x+4) 2(x+4) = (x+4)(3x+2). I still get confused a bit but I need more practice.

The strategies I used to figure this out were to go back to my notes and look at the practice sheets that the teacher gave us.

Some concepts and/or skills I need to remember is that if there is a coefficient then I either need to focus on two things. The first one is if they all have a number in common, if they do then I need to factor it out, so for example 3 x2 +6x +3 would become 3(x2 + 2x +3) and I solve it. If they don’t have a number in common then I solve it how I did in the second question.

Next time I encounter a difficult problem, I might try asking my friends if they understand and if they can explain. I can look back to my notes and the exercises we have made. Finally, I can ask the teacher.

P.s. I finally understand it better as in this moment that I’m writing this, earlier in the day I was still confusing them.

Stock Market: Self Assessment

Curricular Response

Stock vs Bond

A. The difference between Stock and Bond, a stock is when you’re a part owner of a company but a bond is when you’re a lender for a company.

B. The security that tends to have the best rewards or returns is Stock, even though is the one with the highest risk.


A. Risks and returns are almost always connected because higher expected returns come with higher risks.

B. Some steps you could take to mitigate risks while investing in stock, are:

  • Know That the market is uncertain
  • Taking advantage of market ebbs and flows.
  • Always review your process


A. Having a “well-balanced” portfolio means having a mix of stocks and bonds, usually split evenly or with 60% stocks and 40% bonds.

B. Rebalancing is when it involves adjusting the weights of your financial assets to maintain the level of risk you choose. It’s important to “rebalance” your portfolio because that allows you to stay disciplined, buy deals when they come around, and maximize your long-term gains.

Core Competency Assessment

  1. I think I used an acceptable amount of information, although I might have to add a bit more. I used the Class Notebook for some information and googled some other information.
  2. I’m not entirely sure if investing has become a more attainable concept, I think, I would have to consult someone who knows a lot of information about investing so they could help me understand better.
  3. I never really knew anything about investing, so everything I learned is basically new for me, so it hasn’t really changed my perspective on anything.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking Skills


I demonstrated my critical and reflective thinking skills during this project with the planning, although the project was to just do a box, I tried to challenge myself, and try to do something that was somewhat challenging. I had to put a lot of details which is where the critical thinking came because I had to estimate a measurement for each detail so it would fit on the box I had made. For reflective thinking skills I had to take a lot of time thinking about how I would make so details, since they were so small, at the end I made the details just how I wanted them to be.