My Bio
Hi! My name is Anthony and this is my Edublog as you can see. Right now I’m in grade 9 of a high school in British Columbia, what school you may ask? I don’t know, I’m not able to say. So far I wouldn’t say that I’ve been having a good time at school for now nor would I say that I’ve been having a bad time either. It’s more or less in the middle somewhere, practically perfectly balanced. but away from school, I enjoy many things that I do at home. Music is one of the things that I want to get better and better at no matter what, in the near future I would like to be a music composer sometime. music has been a big part of my life since I spend most of my time learning new skills for music composers. Even now I’m listening to new songs to stretch out my genres that I am able to recreate. I also like to gaming a lot too, some games that I most fondly enjoy are Valorant, Genshin Impact, Minecraft, Xenocrisis, Sonic Mania, and Mega Man 11. I usually play these titles to kill some time when I’m bored or when I can’t think of any song ideas. But, other than activities that require me to stay awake I do enjoy sleeping and taking small naps just as much as well. Well, that myself for you, I hope you enjoyed and down there are some more things I like.
Favourite Website
YouTube | This is a social media website for sharing videos and music media to other people to see. Here you can search up any topics to soothe yourself to sleep. Even I have contributed to this site by uploading some of my own music/covers. You can check my music here with this link.
Inspiring Picture
Though I do not have an Inspiring photo I do however have a photo that is my laptop wallpaper.
Even though there is no real reason I chose this in the first place, I can still say that the dark blue and the stars in the sky do make it somewhat comforting and relaxing.

“Let’s share. you take the grenade, I’ll take the pin”
It sounds weird I know, but it just has a special place in my heart for how it sounds. Very funny.
Inspiring Video
Charlie Puth makes a hit new song in seconds! 😱 – YouTube This video just really makes me want to get better at music composition to the point of being able to make a hit in under seconds like how Charlie did in this video.