CPR Reflection

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CPR Reflection

  1. What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before? in this unit I learned how to properly and carefully preform CPR. this is a very important and helpful thing to know. I could use this in the future to possibly help someone.

2. What is a key takeaway from the theory of practical CPR unit? a key takeaway from this unit was learning what a stroke is. this gave me a much greater look into how to be safe and understand what is happening during a stroke.

3. How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously? this unit connected to the nutrition unit because we learned about having a healthy diet and eating well. in a CPR unit we learned about cholesterol and how diet can affect how healthy your heart is and how that can impact you.

Core Competency Refection

I work with others to achieve a goal by: working with jack to correct each others errors during CPR practice

I find it easy to be part of a group: I worked with friends in a group which made the work overall more enjoyable

I can reflect on my thinking: I reflect on my thinking by doing this blog and it has helped me to have a greater understanding of this unit

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener: I helped my piers when they had questions about the work and would ask questions when I didn’t understand


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