computer programing 11 self reflection

a project that I enjoyed even while struggling was the jelly bean assignment. it took me a bit longer than it should have, at first I didn’t understand how to make the code more efficient so I looked online at videos on how to make your code faster and more efficient. I also reached at tp my class mates to help me understand better. i ended up finishing and getting full marks.

I can statements

I can identify criteria that I can use to analyze evidence I did this during this project by going over the criteria and demonstrations to carefully pick out what I needed to know.

I can explore materials and actions by looking at videos online or getting help from my piers.

I can analyze evidence from different perspectives by comparing my work to my piers and online videos to help make mine the most efficient.

Computer Programing 11 Self Reflection

The unit we are currently on is computer vision. we are learning how to swap or change pixels from images to different colors. this is my binarized image from the binarizing images practice assignment. we learned how to take the color out of the image and make it black and white.

I can explore materials and actions by using the extra videos given to help us.

I can ask open ended questions by listening to everything the teacher has to say and absorbing extra information.

I can identify criteria to finish my projects well and make sure they have the right outputs.