Linear System Assignment


I needed to invent my own linear system and show how to represent it graphically and algebraically.

curricular response

The mathematical vocabulary I used during this assignment was: Linear system, X value, Y value, diagonal, values, point, addition method, and substitution method. A linear system is a set of equations involving one or more of the same variable. solution is where to point in a liner system cross, it is shown as an X and Y coordinate. substitution method is when you isolate one of the variables. it is very important that you use the correct vocabulary to help your understanding. Addition method is a method which you add 2 equations together in standard for with the goal of an answer of only one variable.

I decided to start by plotting the solution and then drawing the lines for the linear system. I did this because I thought it would be easier since I knew the 2 equations would be correct. then I wrote the equation for line A and B in slope intercept form. I did this because it would be easy to then turn into standard form if need be.

Core Competency Self Assessment

I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take price in my work. if feel very good after completing my work and knowing I did well. I show a sense of accomplishment and care in my work by: looking over it to make sure it is done correctly and to the rubric.

Linear and Non Linear Equations

Linear Equations

Example 1:

Ax + By = C

This is a linear graph. I can tell by the graph because it is a straight line. I can tell from the equation because the X has an exponent of 1.

Example 2:

Ax + By = C

I can tell this is a linear relation by the graph because it is a straight line, and I can tell that it is a linear relation by the equation because the variables don’t have exponents bigger than 1.

Non linear Equations

Example 1:

x2+ y2= 16

I can tell that this is non linear by the graph because its a circle and not a line. i can also tell from the equation because the x and the y have exponents that are not 1.

example 2:

y = (x +1)(x-1)

this is not a linear equation. I can tell form the graph because the line does not stay straight, it curves. i can tell from the equation, because the variable x has and exponent greater than 1

self assessment

I explored mathematical ideas using technology when I made graphs on desmos writing in formulas the then copy and paste into my blog.

I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I would put my equations into desmos to see if they would work or not.

I justified my conclusions with evidence when I showed why each equation was linear or non linear.

CPR Reflection

My Artifact

Image result for Light Bulb Emoji. Size: 201 x 204. Source:

CPR Reflection

  1. What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before? in this unit I learned how to properly and carefully preform CPR. this is a very important and helpful thing to know. I could use this in the future to possibly help someone.

2. What is a key takeaway from the theory of practical CPR unit? a key takeaway from this unit was learning what a stroke is. this gave me a much greater look into how to be safe and understand what is happening during a stroke.

3. How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously? this unit connected to the nutrition unit because we learned about having a healthy diet and eating well. in a CPR unit we learned about cholesterol and how diet can affect how healthy your heart is and how that can impact you.

Core Competency Refection

I work with others to achieve a goal by: working with jack to correct each others errors during CPR practice

I find it easy to be part of a group: I worked with friends in a group which made the work overall more enjoyable

I can reflect on my thinking: I reflect on my thinking by doing this blog and it has helped me to have a greater understanding of this unit

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener: I helped my piers when they had questions about the work and would ask questions when I didn’t understand

Science Core Competency Self-Assessment


My Artifact: image of me thinking during the unknown Acids and Bases lab Science 10

I used Thinking during my Acids and Bases Science lab. I missed the day the class did the lab so I had to do it by myself this required me to use thinking in order to figure out how to do the lab. During this lab I had to figure out what each substances was and how to find out if if it is acidic or basic.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility Self-Assessment

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a small break, get some food, go for a walk, or put on some music.

When distractions are getting in the way of my work, I can move my location or reset my mind.

When I make mistakes, I don’t beat myself up. Instead I review where I went wrong try again and apply this to all my future learning.

When I am feeling anxious about a test, I can calm myself by listening to music or getting a snack while I study or am trying to focus.