Linear and Non Linear Equations

Linear Equations

Example 1:

Ax + By = C

This is a linear graph. I can tell by the graph because it is a straight line. I can tell from the equation because the X has an exponent of 1.

Example 2:

Ax + By = C

I can tell this is a linear relation by the graph because it is a straight line, and I can tell that it is a linear relation by the equation because the variables don’t have exponents bigger than 1.

Non linear Equations

Example 1:

x2+ y2= 16

I can tell that this is non linear by the graph because its a circle and not a line. i can also tell from the equation because the x and the y have exponents that are not 1.

example 2:

y = (x +1)(x-1)

this is not a linear equation. I can tell form the graph because the line does not stay straight, it curves. i can tell from the equation, because the variable x has and exponent greater than 1

self assessment

I explored mathematical ideas using technology when I made graphs on desmos writing in formulas the then copy and paste into my blog.

I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I would put my equations into desmos to see if they would work or not.

I justified my conclusions with evidence when I showed why each equation was linear or non linear.

CPR Reflection

My Artifact

Image result for Light Bulb Emoji. Size: 201 x 204. Source:

CPR Reflection

  1. What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before? in this unit I learned how to properly and carefully preform CPR. this is a very important and helpful thing to know. I could use this in the future to possibly help someone.

2. What is a key takeaway from the theory of practical CPR unit? a key takeaway from this unit was learning what a stroke is. this gave me a much greater look into how to be safe and understand what is happening during a stroke.

3. How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously? this unit connected to the nutrition unit because we learned about having a healthy diet and eating well. in a CPR unit we learned about cholesterol and how diet can affect how healthy your heart is and how that can impact you.

Core Competency Refection

I work with others to achieve a goal by: working with jack to correct each others errors during CPR practice

I find it easy to be part of a group: I worked with friends in a group which made the work overall more enjoyable

I can reflect on my thinking: I reflect on my thinking by doing this blog and it has helped me to have a greater understanding of this unit

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener: I helped my piers when they had questions about the work and would ask questions when I didn’t understand

Science Core Competency Self-Assessment


My Artifact: image of me thinking during the unknown Acids and Bases lab Science 10

I used Thinking during my Acids and Bases Science lab. I missed the day the class did the lab so I had to do it by myself this required me to use thinking in order to figure out how to do the lab. During this lab I had to figure out what each substances was and how to find out if if it is acidic or basic.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility Self-Assessment

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a small break, get some food, go for a walk, or put on some music.

When distractions are getting in the way of my work, I can move my location or reset my mind.

When I make mistakes, I don’t beat myself up. Instead I review where I went wrong try again and apply this to all my future learning.

When I am feeling anxious about a test, I can calm myself by listening to music or getting a snack while I study or am trying to focus.

About Me

My Bio

My name is Austin Ambrose I am 14 years old; I have a family of 4 and a dog. I don’t have to many hobbies, but the hobbies do have I am very passionate about. My favorite thing to do is hang out with friends I have a pretty good group of close friends and we hang out together all the time. One of my solo hobbies is gaming I play lots of different games but my all time favorite has to be fifa. I also love building computers, ever since I was little, I loved building thing I used to have a basement full of Lego and I would put together super difficult things in a short period of time. I now am building gaming desktops and am loving it; so far, I have built lots computers and many more to come. One of the goals I want to achieve is building my own car I think this would be so cool, and fun.

MY Favorite Image

See the source image
this is My Favorite image because FIFA is one of my favorite games to play

My Favorite Website

this is the website that i used to buy all the parts and build my first computer

My Favorite Quote

.There is always a bigger fish this is a quote from star wars meaning that there is always someone better and someone to strive to be better than.

My Favorite Video

this video show what it is like to live as a professional gamer which i have always wanted to do