Linear and Non Linear Equations

Linear Equations

Example 1:

Ax + By = C

This is a linear graph. I can tell by the graph because it is a straight line. I can tell from the equation because the X has an exponent of 1.

Example 2:

Ax + By = C

I can tell this is a linear relation by the graph because it is a straight line, and I can tell that it is a linear relation by the equation because the variables don’t have exponents bigger than 1.

Non linear Equations

Example 1:

x2+ y2= 16

I can tell that this is non linear by the graph because its a circle and not a line. i can also tell from the equation because the x and the y have exponents that are not 1.

example 2:

y = (x +1)(x-1)

this is not a linear equation. I can tell form the graph because the line does not stay straight, it curves. i can tell from the equation, because the variable x has and exponent greater than 1

self assessment

I explored mathematical ideas using technology when I made graphs on desmos writing in formulas the then copy and paste into my blog.

I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I would put my equations into desmos to see if they would work or not.

I justified my conclusions with evidence when I showed why each equation was linear or non linear.