Safety and Sanitation

Our cookie lab was a success we had good communication but we had a some trouble trying to keep organized. I think this was because the cookie lab was the first lab we did so we were still figuring out where everything was.

I didn’t have many safety and sanitation concerns. The only thing i was worried about for sanitation was how well people washed their hands and not washing the dishes well enough. In the end we were able to keep good control on sanitation because of our good communication. Which helped us avoid any issue we could have encountered. With safety the only concern i had was about the hand mixer but we did well and used it safely so it wasn’t an issue. I believe sanitation is important because of disease and just spread of germs in general. Safety is also a large part of sanitation because say if someone gets cut for example then they are a sanitation risk because they could contaminate the dish you are making. Which is why i believe sanitation and safety are such a large part of cooking.

Knife Skills

The omelet lab for me and my partner I believe was a success. We didn’t have many challenges because we had good communication and organization which really helped us complete the lab to our best ability. The omelette lab tested our knife skills mainly because we had to cut so many vegetables for the lab. We used a small dice on the vegetables to make them work better for the omelette. I want to learn how to do a julienne and paysanne knife cut. Though there our many different ways to cut something such as brunoise dice, medium dice, rondelle and etc. I think it’s important to know many different ways to cut something because it adds professionalism and visual appeal to what you make, and if you are cooking something, certain sizes of cuts take longer to cook which could effect your dish. That is why it is best to know different kinds of knife skills so your food is more appealing and cooked properly.


One of my most memorable experiences with food would be the multi cultural lunch at my school. Every year we would have a massive event at my middle school and everyone would bring a dish from their culture. I remember this because i have always wanted to try many different types of food’s from all kind’s of cultures. But my family isn’t so keen on trying those types of things. So during the multicultural lunch i got to try many different types of food’s i’ve never had before. Which is why it’s one of my most memorable food experiences.