Calculus 12 Personal Awareness

– When I get stuck on a problem, I have strategies for what to do next. They include asking for help from my friends or the teacher, searching up videos to enhance my understanding, trying additional practice questions

– When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a quick break and I like to make tea if I’m studying at home

– When I am sad, angry or frustrated about school, resetting my mind by taking a break helps me be more productive or calm.

– I can prevent some school-related stress by understanding my limits for math and taking breaks when I do too much work

The Crucible and Kohlberg’s Moral Perceptions

To achieve a better understanding of characters within Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible”, this essay will explain the reasoning behind their actions. These characters behave in a manner which may confuse the reader, however, through use of Kohlberg’s moral perceptions one can understand why a character may act in a certain way. In examination of Kohlberg’s three perceptions, this essay will shed light to the motivations behind every individual. The three perceptions are pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional.

Within The Crucible, there are many pre-conventional characters. The term pre-conventional is defined as someone who behaves in a manner to avoid punishment or to receive personal benefit. To start, Reverend Parris is a pre-conventional character. He demonstrates how he is a pre-conventional character when he discovers a dagger at his door and he says “there is danger for me”. In the previous act, he had been eager to hang as many people as possible. In retaliation, the citizens of Salem threw a dagger at his door as a warning. In fear, he requests to postpone the Salem hangings, but is denied. His fear and greed exhibit how he attempts to avoid the punishment of death, illustrating how he is a pre-conventional character. Another character that behaves in a way to avoid punishment is Tituba. After being tortured for a confession to working for the devil, she eventually lies and says she “[doesn’t] desire to work for [the devil]”. Tituba was unable to handle the torture and she lied. She had never worked with the devil before, but Parris wouldn’t believe her. She lied to get out of torture, showing how she is a pre-conventional character. The final pre-conventional character is Abigail. After the girls are discovered in the woods, Abigail lies and states that “no one was naked”. When the girls were dancing, they had started to dance with their clothes off, which sparked Parris to assume witchcraft after he found them. Abigail attempted to lie to Parris to get out of any trouble for attempting witchcraft, proving she is a pre-conventional character.

            Along with pre-conventional characters, there are conventional characters as well. Conventional characters behave in a manner to fit into societal normalities. To begin, John Proctor is a conventional character. This is illustrated when he tells Abigail he will “cut off [his] hand” before he would ever sleep with her again. This statement displays how John Proctor regrets committing lechery and sleeping with Abigail Williams. He wants to live a life where he is faithful to his wife, without sinning again. In Salem, lechery is an evil sin against god, and it’s expected in their society to stay faithful. Proctor’s change in character demonstrates how he is a conventional character. Another group of characters that behave in a way to fit into society are the girls. During the court trial in act 3, the girls were imitating Mary Warren, telling Danforth “they [were] sporting”. As an act to weaken Mary, the girls copied every word she said. If the girls didn’t mimic Mary, Abigail would have harmed or potentially killed them. Due to all of the girls copying each other, they display how they are conventional characters who fit in the group’s standards. The final conventional character is Mary Warren. Later in the court scene after the girls continued to imitate Mary, she become powerless, telling John Proctor he is “the devil’s man”. She had reached her crucible and behaved in this manner to join the girl’s group. She fit into the group’s standard while betraying John Proctor at the same time. The betrayal to fit into the girl’s group exhibits how she is a conventional character.

            Kohlberg’s final precept, post-conventional, states a person behaves based off their own personal beliefs. There are many post-conventional characters in The Crucible. The first example of a post-conventional character is John Hale. This is evident at the end of the court sequence when he shouts, “I quit this court”. After watching the court trial with the corrupt magistrate Danforth, he made the decision to leave his position as minister in the Salem court. He had a powerful position, but because he felt the court was unjust, he decided to leave his job. John Hale’s life changing decision shows he is a post-conventional character. Another character that behaves based off their personal beliefs is Giles Corey. Giles Corey is being crushed with stones to give up information, but he tells the sheriff to add “more weight”. He refuses to give up his valuable information, along with refusing to give up his land. He could have saved his life with a confession, but he believed confessing would have been the wrong decision. He saved his land for inheritance and kept his information, proving he is a post-conventional character. The final post-conventional character is Elizabeth Proctor. At the end of the court trial, she tells Danforth that her “husband is a goodly man.” Elizabeth Proctor has never lied in her life because it is an act against god, but in this moment to protect her husband, she had lied. She gave up her eternal life to protect her husband’s name, because she wanted him to live on. This act solidifies how Elizabeth Proctor is a post-conventional character.

            In closing, this essay exhibits how many characters act in an unclear and confusing manner. Through deconstructing the characters with the usage of Kohlberg’s moral perceptions, we can understand each character’s motives. Due to Kohlberg’s perceptions being a valuable asset in understanding The Crucible, we may also use it to explain humanity as a whole. This essay has given a deeper insight into the characters of The Crucible, and it has accomplished what it was intended to do.  

Core Competencies and My Goals Grade 12


These are some goals I have completed for myself in the past that I am proud of. This is how I will use them to propel myself further

Over the last year I have focused on becoming a Tennis instructor as a means of both work, community involvement, and self-improvement. By coaching tennis I have developed communication skills, insights into business, and most importantly leadership abilities, which I believe is a highly sought attribute, especially today. I am going to use this to propel my community involvement further in hopefully running a club, being more aware of the community, and developing personal connections with those around me.

Math Conics Project

In my conics assignment, I used various graphs to demonstrate my face’s different features. I wanted to use this assignment to use all the graphs I learned throughout the year, and I demonstrated this by using log graphs, parabolas, ellipses, circles, hyperbolas, etc. There are a few sections of my face that look a bit wonky, but it is wonky because of the various number of lines that I used to fully show my learning through the year. I’ve improved in math overall this year compared to my previous years in learning, and I’m glad that I could demonstrate it through creating my face with all my learning.

AP Biology Core Competency Reflection

For AP Biology we needed to conduct our own experiment to create new findings that may be useful in the future. I collaborated with Micah to test the effects of CO2 on rice growth. During the experiment, we collaborated to create a process that would displace the gases within the Erlenmeyer Flask and fill it with pure CO2. The experiment was an overall success and we were able to determine that CO2 has negative effects on the growth of rice within a controlled environment. This experiment demonstrated how we worked collaboratively in a group to achieve our goal. Overall the experiment was a fun way to determine the effects of CO2, and we worked well together to obtain strong results.

Core Competency Self-Reflection: Precalculus 12 Critical Thinking

This year in Pre-Calculus 12 I developed several understandings of many different topics in math ranging from how functions work, movement of functions, logarithms, and (what I’m most proud of) trigonometric functions. In this equation, I had to prove that h=d/cota-cotb using the triangle given (as seen on the right of the question). I’m proud of solving this equation because I had to shift my thinking into completing a proof using the concepts of trigonometric functions, fractions, and algebra. I shifted the way I thought into a more open-ended thinking style to solve this question and I broke It down step by step. By breaking it down into more manageable steps I was able to complete the question. I would like to continue to grow to be a more open-ended thinker as it majorly helped me complete this question.

Core Competency Reflection Physics 11

During the quiz corrections for kinematics quiz 2, I used critical thinking to correct the mistakes I previously made on the quiz. When the quiz was handed back, I quickly received help from my peers to further understand the question on the quiz, and I used that information to solve the question correctly. Due to the help that I received, I was able to obtain full marks and understand the quiz content fully, which was required for the unit test that came soon after.

Chemistry 12 Edublog Reflection

Thinking Core Competency

In lab 19C, I used evidence to judge what would happen to the solutions within the test tubes. The first tubes on the rack were heavy precipitates that looked almost like velvet or silk but eventually sank to the bottom of the tube. Knowing that the first set created heavy precipitates, it can be inferred that the further down the rack (the more diluted the solution is), the less precipitate will form until none is formed. Following the gathering of this information I was able to create data that corresponds to the results of the lab to demonstrate my understanding.

A & P 12 Core Competency Edublog

In the Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab communication is a key factor in having the most accurate and best results for cell osmosis. Initially setting up the cell was the most arduous step. Poor communication would result in a loose cell that would leak out the solutions within or it would result in a cell that would not diffuse properly due to a lack of turgor pressure. Later in the lab, everyone in the group communicated their thoughts on which direction the molecules in the solutions would diffuse and we each commented and added to the conversation thoroughly.

During the Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab, I analyzed the evidence given to present accurate predictions for cell diffusion direction. Using both thinking and communication we predicted in which direction the molecules would diffuse through the semi-permeable membrane. These connections were able to be made due to the scientific evidence provided to us.