Social Studies 10 Core Competency Edublog Reflection

What is the role of the citizen of Canada? Explain the role of the citizen in the community and the nation, and as a member of the world community.

Contributing towards community is an important role for a citizen. Building community leads to a better place all around. Being able to collaborate with people around you and creating something better than yourselves is a really beautiful thing. I believe community is important because it’s a rare moment where people can all be brought together to do something.

I can tell the difference between opinions and facts.

Through the course of socials 10 I’ve been able to identify the difference between opinion and fact. There have been several cases where we have needed to sort through evidence to determine specific characteristics of the paper. Before socials 10 I feel like my ability to do this was a bit weaker, but I’ve been able to do it better as the course has gone on.

Career Life Education Core Competency Edublog Reflection

Do I look for personal relationships that confirm or challenge my beliefs, values, and ideas? Why?

I look for personal relationships that I can relate to. People that confirm my beliefs and values are held close to my heart. Someone I can collaborate ideas with and share time together are people that I value the most. My personal relationships are one of my most important values. Whether it’s friends or family, they are generally people I can look up to and people I can learn from. I’d rather have someone that I can work with than someone I challenge against.

I can identify my strengths and limits, find internal motivation, and act on opportunities for self-growth. I take responsibility for making ethical decisions.

Working on finding my limits has always been a goal of mine and currently, I’ve been successful in finding that. I’ve been improving myself and it’s extremely motivating for me. I’ve always struggled on finding my own motivation and I’ve finally been able to do that in my life. It shows in my life and in my work too. I’m more motivated doing everything, when in the past I could barely push myself.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


I was able to collaborate and communicate with my partner to complete this assignment. Throughout the journey of this assignment, we were able to create a Dichotomous key for buttons that we got in a bag. We split up the work so that he did one-half of the buttons and I did the other half. Once we had our basic layout we worked together to figure out the definitive layout for our key.

PHE 9 AH Reflection

My Stressors

I find that stress appears at quite a random rate at school. At school, there is always the constant stressor of completing assignments and writing tests, but when it nears the end of the semester is when the stress starts to really roll in. Finals and final projects need to be completed along with studying for them. During the last week, it’s hard to focus on anything else and I don’t really get to focus on my personal life. My personal life isn’t too stressful; overall, it’s more calming for me. My friends don’t really cause stress for me, so if anything they are people I can easily go to in a time of need. Therefore, stressors, although they are constantly in the way, there are many ways to deal with the idea of being stressed

Core Competency Reflection

I can reflect on my thinking. With this reflection I was able to reflect back on times I was in stress and how I dealt with the stress.

I can analyze my own beliefs. When thinking back on my times in stress I analyzed my situations and came up with answers on how I overcame them.

I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences. I reflected on past experiences to represent the idea of overcoming times of stress.

I am still working towards developing a body of creative work over time. I’m not the most creative person, and I find it quite difficult to come up with a creative body of writing.

Ma Famille Reflection

This year in French I learned a lot through our 4 units, and this project was a culmination of everything I’ve learned through the semester. This project had me writing about each of my family members with the french I developed across the last few months. Although my artistic skills aren’t the greatest, I was able to showcase my french capabilities this year and I look forward to French 10 in the near future.

The Tempest

A major theme that we explored was “Morality” as a whole. There were many many examples of how morality went into this play. At any time, Prospero could have taken his revenge, but he decided not to. In the end, because he didn’t take his revenge, he made it back home safely. This plot point also comes around to “the best revenge is a life well-lived, which ties into morality. I think that this play really changed my outlook on morality overall due to all of the topics in the tempest. I think what really affected me was how the people treated Caliban. Caliban was rejected by Prospero because of his perspective of morality. He didn’t know what was considered normal or outrageous and it was because of how he grew up. He grew up isolated and what really shone to me was the idea of people having these crazy ideas of morality, when in modern society it was viewed as a horrible act.

Thinking Core Competency Catapult

The use of creative thinking was a vital component of creating the Catapult. There were many ways of creating the catapult, but given the materials we had, we created what can be seen above. When pressed down, the spoon launches the ball. Our base was quite sturdy, and nothing broke, but instead of getting distance, we got height. The competition was for distance and not height, which resulted in our ball getting launched into a light. In the end, we were unable to fix the height issue, but we were still able to create a successful catapult that launched the ball.

In the Heat of the Night

Racism has shaped and formed itself into society as it’s known today. Dating back from slavery, to immigration, to people wandering the streets, it’s not really a solvable issue. With all of the cultural diversity in Canada, many groups experience discrimination. I personally haven’t seen racism happen in front of my eyes, but it’s happened to my mom, who immigrated from Indonesia. A majority of the racism in Canada happens to Black and Asians, but it still happens to everyone. Racism is still a giant issue today, and when COVID-19 hit, Asian hate started to regrow because it started in China. If it started in a North American country like America or Canada, hate wouldn’t have started against white people, both because white people are found to be the most racist, and because they are the majority, not the minority.

“In the Heat of the Night” is an accurate display of how racism was in southern America during the 1960s. I never knew how bad racism was during the 1960s, and I learnt a lot from it. The more I read it, the more I learnt, and by doing the activities, I got to learn about the characters and their daily lives. People were born as racists, being taught that people of other gender’s should be hated and cast away. It was completely normal for racism to show itself, and that scared me when I first heard of that concept from reading the book. Racism has always scared me as a topic, and it’s no surprise that even today it still exists. Some people just can’t live with other people of other race, and it’s horrifying.

Overall I don’t think racism will be stopped even hundreds of years in the future. Even other discriminatory issues like sexism, wealth status, nationality, and religion will still exist, because some people have their own opinions on other people. A clear solution will never exist, but the least we can do is spread the word about it and let others know it exists.

Unit Core Competency Self-Assessment

This project required heavy use of collaboration, as we used our ideas and hands to manufacture a Rube Goldberg Project. I made a Rube Goldberg once in grade 6, but the issue I had was coming up with good ideas and then creating the project itself, but with this collaboration, we could freely share our ideas, and we had the resources to create the project. This photo is from day one when we created an angled glass tube that goes into the car launcher through the track. Our collaboration lead to a successful day one, and for the end project we created a machine that successfully played music.