Titration Edublog

Completed Titration Lab


During the titration lab, my partner and I had to communicate to drop the correct amount of base into the acid. We supported each other by watching values, keeping track of how much time the pink persisted in the solution, and we helped each other start up. Through our communication, a rose solution was created for one of the titration attempts. I feel that our issues from the first day of the titration lab were fixed during the second day of titrations.

French 10 Skits

Chapter 6 Skit

During unit 6 I was able to collaborate with two of my classmates to create a French skit that could be presented. We were able to work collectively and determine common purposes together. We were given a few days to communicate our learning, which we then presented to our teacher, which had verified our learning. In our script, we included a few props with the best prop being a charcuterie board.

The type of charcuterie board we used

Core Competency Self-Assessment


I was able to collaborate and communicate with my partner to complete this assignment. Throughout the journey of this assignment, we were able to create a Dichotomous key for buttons that we got in a bag. We split up the work so that he did one-half of the buttons and I did the other half. Once we had our basic layout we worked together to figure out the definitive layout for our key.

Unit Core Competency Self-Assessment

This project required heavy use of collaboration, as we used our ideas and hands to manufacture a Rube Goldberg Project. I made a Rube Goldberg once in grade 6, but the issue I had was coming up with good ideas and then creating the project itself, but with this collaboration, we could freely share our ideas, and we had the resources to create the project. This photo is from day one when we created an angled glass tube that goes into the car launcher through the track. Our collaboration lead to a successful day one, and for the end project we created a machine that successfully played music.