Calculus 12 Personal Awareness

– When I get stuck on a problem, I have strategies for what to do next. They include asking for help from my friends or the teacher, searching up videos to enhance my understanding, trying additional practice questions

– When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a quick break and I like to make tea if I’m studying at home

– When I am sad, angry or frustrated about school, resetting my mind by taking a break helps me be more productive or calm.

– I can prevent some school-related stress by understanding my limits for math and taking breaks when I do too much work

Core Competency Self-Reflection: Precalculus 12 Critical Thinking

This year in Pre-Calculus 12 I developed several understandings of many different topics in math ranging from how functions work, movement of functions, logarithms, and (what I’m most proud of) trigonometric functions. In this equation, I had to prove that h=d/cota-cotb using the triangle given (as seen on the right of the question). I’m proud of solving this equation because I had to shift my thinking into completing a proof using the concepts of trigonometric functions, fractions, and algebra. I shifted the way I thought into a more open-ended thinking style to solve this question and I broke It down step by step. By breaking it down into more manageable steps I was able to complete the question. I would like to continue to grow to be a more open-ended thinker as it majorly helped me complete this question.

Core Competency Reflection Physics 11

During the quiz corrections for kinematics quiz 2, I used critical thinking to correct the mistakes I previously made on the quiz. When the quiz was handed back, I quickly received help from my peers to further understand the question on the quiz, and I used that information to solve the question correctly. Due to the help that I received, I was able to obtain full marks and understand the quiz content fully, which was required for the unit test that came soon after.

Chemistry 12 Edublog Reflection

Thinking Core Competency

In lab 19C, I used evidence to judge what would happen to the solutions within the test tubes. The first tubes on the rack were heavy precipitates that looked almost like velvet or silk but eventually sank to the bottom of the tube. Knowing that the first set created heavy precipitates, it can be inferred that the further down the rack (the more diluted the solution is), the less precipitate will form until none is formed. Following the gathering of this information I was able to create data that corresponds to the results of the lab to demonstrate my understanding.

Titration Edublog

Completed Titration Lab


During the titration lab, my partner and I had to communicate to drop the correct amount of base into the acid. We supported each other by watching values, keeping track of how much time the pink persisted in the solution, and we helped each other start up. Through our communication, a rose solution was created for one of the titration attempts. I feel that our issues from the first day of the titration lab were fixed during the second day of titrations.

French 10 Skits

Chapter 6 Skit

During unit 6 I was able to collaborate with two of my classmates to create a French skit that could be presented. We were able to work collectively and determine common purposes together. We were given a few days to communicate our learning, which we then presented to our teacher, which had verified our learning. In our script, we included a few props with the best prop being a charcuterie board.

The type of charcuterie board we used

FIDO Paragraph: Self Assessment

Circular Response

The greatest strength in this paragraph is when I mentioned that Timmy’s perspective of zombies had changed. I used a more unique array of words and I was able to flow it together. I feel like with this paragraph I was able to have a better word choice and better sentence choice. I was able to really tap into Timmy’s personality and break it down from the start of the movie. Watching him grow over the course of the story was a very beautiful thing to watch

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I feel that this literary paragraph was easier to write than the last one because the topics that I had in mind were a lot clearer to think about. When I was writing about them the topics were a bit hazier and I had to incorporate a lot of my own interpretations. With Timmy you can easily see how he feels and you notice the struggles that he goes through and how he changes throughout the story. It’s much clearer and easier to understand.

Social Studies 10 Core Competency Edublog Reflection

What is the role of the citizen of Canada? Explain the role of the citizen in the community and the nation, and as a member of the world community.

Contributing towards community is an important role for a citizen. Building community leads to a better place all around. Being able to collaborate with people around you and creating something better than yourselves is a really beautiful thing. I believe community is important because it’s a rare moment where people can all be brought together to do something.

I can tell the difference between opinions and facts.

Through the course of socials 10 I’ve been able to identify the difference between opinion and fact. There have been several cases where we have needed to sort through evidence to determine specific characteristics of the paper. Before socials 10 I feel like my ability to do this was a bit weaker, but I’ve been able to do it better as the course has gone on.

Career Life Education Core Competency Edublog Reflection

Do I look for personal relationships that confirm or challenge my beliefs, values, and ideas? Why?

I look for personal relationships that I can relate to. People that confirm my beliefs and values are held close to my heart. Someone I can collaborate ideas with and share time together are people that I value the most. My personal relationships are one of my most important values. Whether it’s friends or family, they are generally people I can look up to and people I can learn from. I’d rather have someone that I can work with than someone I challenge against.

I can identify my strengths and limits, find internal motivation, and act on opportunities for self-growth. I take responsibility for making ethical decisions.

Working on finding my limits has always been a goal of mine and currently, I’ve been successful in finding that. I’ve been improving myself and it’s extremely motivating for me. I’ve always struggled on finding my own motivation and I’ve finally been able to do that in my life. It shows in my life and in my work too. I’m more motivated doing everything, when in the past I could barely push myself.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


I was able to collaborate and communicate with my partner to complete this assignment. Throughout the journey of this assignment, we were able to create a Dichotomous key for buttons that we got in a bag. We split up the work so that he did one-half of the buttons and I did the other half. Once we had our basic layout we worked together to figure out the definitive layout for our key.