Core Competencies and My Goals Grade 12


These are some goals I have completed for myself in the past that I am proud of. This is how I will use them to propel myself further

Over the last year I have focused on becoming a Tennis instructor as a means of both work, community involvement, and self-improvement. By coaching tennis I have developed communication skills, insights into business, and most importantly leadership abilities, which I believe is a highly sought attribute, especially today. I am going to use this to propel my community involvement further in hopefully running a club, being more aware of the community, and developing personal connections with those around me.

Chemistry 12 Edublog Reflection

Thinking Core Competency

In lab 19C, I used evidence to judge what would happen to the solutions within the test tubes. The first tubes on the rack were heavy precipitates that looked almost like velvet or silk but eventually sank to the bottom of the tube. Knowing that the first set created heavy precipitates, it can be inferred that the further down the rack (the more diluted the solution is), the less precipitate will form until none is formed. Following the gathering of this information I was able to create data that corresponds to the results of the lab to demonstrate my understanding.

A & P 12 Core Competency Edublog

In the Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab communication is a key factor in having the most accurate and best results for cell osmosis. Initially setting up the cell was the most arduous step. Poor communication would result in a loose cell that would leak out the solutions within or it would result in a cell that would not diffuse properly due to a lack of turgor pressure. Later in the lab, everyone in the group communicated their thoughts on which direction the molecules in the solutions would diffuse and we each commented and added to the conversation thoroughly.

During the Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab, I analyzed the evidence given to present accurate predictions for cell diffusion direction. Using both thinking and communication we predicted in which direction the molecules would diffuse through the semi-permeable membrane. These connections were able to be made due to the scientific evidence provided to us.

Thinking Core Competency Catapult

The use of creative thinking was a vital component of creating the Catapult. There were many ways of creating the catapult, but given the materials we had, we created what can be seen above. When pressed down, the spoon launches the ball. Our base was quite sturdy, and nothing broke, but instead of getting distance, we got height. The competition was for distance and not height, which resulted in our ball getting launched into a light. In the end, we were unable to fix the height issue, but we were still able to create a successful catapult that launched the ball.