Math Conics Project

In my conics assignment, I used various graphs to demonstrate my face’s different features. I wanted to use this assignment to use all the graphs I learned throughout the year, and I demonstrated this by using log graphs, parabolas, ellipses, circles, hyperbolas, etc. There are a few sections of my face that look a bit wonky, but it is wonky because of the various number of lines that I used to fully show my learning through the year. I’ve improved in math overall this year compared to my previous years in learning, and I’m glad that I could demonstrate it through creating my face with all my learning.

AP Biology Core Competency Reflection

For AP Biology we needed to conduct our own experiment to create new findings that may be useful in the future. I collaborated with Micah to test the effects of CO2 on rice growth. During the experiment, we collaborated to create a process that would displace the gases within the Erlenmeyer Flask and fill it with pure CO2. The experiment was an overall success and we were able to determine that CO2 has negative effects on the growth of rice within a controlled environment. This experiment demonstrated how we worked collaboratively in a group to achieve our goal. Overall the experiment was a fun way to determine the effects of CO2, and we worked well together to obtain strong results.

Chemistry 12 Edublog Reflection

Thinking Core Competency

In lab 19C, I used evidence to judge what would happen to the solutions within the test tubes. The first tubes on the rack were heavy precipitates that looked almost like velvet or silk but eventually sank to the bottom of the tube. Knowing that the first set created heavy precipitates, it can be inferred that the further down the rack (the more diluted the solution is), the less precipitate will form until none is formed. Following the gathering of this information I was able to create data that corresponds to the results of the lab to demonstrate my understanding.

French 10 Skits

Chapter 6 Skit

During unit 6 I was able to collaborate with two of my classmates to create a French skit that could be presented. We were able to work collectively and determine common purposes together. We were given a few days to communicate our learning, which we then presented to our teacher, which had verified our learning. In our script, we included a few props with the best prop being a charcuterie board.

The type of charcuterie board we used

Meal Planning Assignment


Problem: A family of four needs a meal plan for the weekdays. We must plan around their schedule and decide what the family can cook that still fits their schedule.

  • Family of 4
  • Needs a meal plan for the weekdays
  • Must have original and ‘traditional’ recipes
  • Must fit their schedule
  • Must fit their cooking aptitudes
  • Must decide who cooks (That day)



Our group was able to justify why our plan worked well because we took the time to create a word document that documented all the food, portions, recipes, information, and answers for part 1 of this assignment. For a start, we specified what meals were going to be made on the day, and then we stated what time dinner had to start to fit the events that were in their schedule, and finally, we stated whether there were going to be leftovers for lunch to avoid extra food that they wouldn’t want.

An important part of making sure we had a good, working schedule, was to make sure we had good portions. We could easily almost half the time if we brought the portion sizes down, which led to them being able to cook larger meals or use the time more effectively. Another thing we could have done was make a meal and double portions if it only made 2 servings.

We spent a lot of time thoroughly going through all our information. Making sure we had the correct information, making sure our portions are correct, and our efficient use of time has led to me believing that our plan will work well.


Book: Ready-To-Eat Stir-Fry by Caroline Hwang (Author), Julia Stotz (Photographer)

Collaboration Reflection

Our group was able to collaborate very well during the course of our project. We stored our information in a word document, that was shared between the 3 of us. This was my first time I have ever shared a word document, because usually I would just prefer to use a google doc for sharing. As for our work, we didn’t really split it between us. We mainly just worked together because it worked for the 3 of us. Even though we didn’t split the work, we still got our work done quick and efficiently. I myself found a recipe and I helped my group with writing the information on the days.

(this is a raw copy of our days)