One thing I’ve learnt in Socials 10 is that I’m better at managing my time. There are many assignments due at once, and when I put off one, I usually put off others as well. However, I’ve learnt to complete things immediately so that I won’t have to worry about them later.
This school year has had its ups and downs. Some things that has gone well for me are, Keeping up with all my assignments, having a reasonably balanced schedule and having my friends in my classes.
Areas To Improve
G O A L S — A C T I O N P L A N
Time Management – Make sure I’m not studying for tests the day before or at the last minute.
Asking for help when needed – I’m going to try my best the following year to seek my teacher for assistance whenever I need it.
Culture 35%, Friends 20%, Family 15%, Humor 15%, Music 15%
c u l t u t r e
I value culture 35% because that’s who I am. Culture is a big part of my life, all my beliefs and values come from my culture. It’s taught me to put others first.
f r i e n d s
friends play an important part in my life; they support me no matter what and laugh with me when I have a good time
o l d e r s i s t e r
Being an older sister I value 15% because my brother is so important to me. He’s the person I will laugh with for hours and I’ll always be there for him. It’s nice to know that’s I’ll always have a sibling by my side.
h u m o r
I think humor of laughter is a valuable quality. Humor is a way for me to express myself and show my personality. Plus, laughing is just plain fun!
m u s i c
Music is a way for me to express myself and connect with others. It can help me to relax and unwind after a long day, or it can energize me and get me pumped up. Music is a universal language that can bring people together, and it can help me to feel more connected to the world around me. Whether I’m listening to my favorite songs or playing an instrument, music is an important part of my life that I like.
Part 2
A) How was this different than your shape in part 1?
The body outline was a different structure to the circle. It was a lot hated to evenly mark the percentages and was a lot more accurate on the circle.
B) How were you able to calculate your identities accurately?
I found this the hardest part of the assignment, I value each thing 100% and it was hard to choose the right numbers. Rather than trying to calculate it, I focused on exposing and understanding the different parts of myself and what makes me. When it came to choosing the numbers I chose what makes me me and went off of that.
C) What shapes would you recommend others for this project? Why?
I would recommend a star if you wanted to use all even numbers. Or you could use other shapes like a rectangle, which would be easier and more accurate to split.
I appreciate feedback on my work during and after I have handed in assignments. Feedback helps me to develop and receive a higher grade the next time. When I don’t perform my best on a project, I often find it difficult to accept critique, but in the end, it improves my work moving forward. Feedback also boosts motivation and confidence because it lets you know when you’re on the right track
I believe we found a fair solution, however, there are certain advantages and disadvantages to it While using stocks, you have the option of increasing your financial gain or incurring a loss. In our answer, we demonstrated what would happen if the stocks performed as expected for three years without any issues, as well as the one year within the three-year plan when you would not profit from the stocks. After purchasing their ideal home, the investors would have approximately $1,000 extra if the stock investment performed well for three years. Investors are loosing $5000 if the stock strategy does not work out as expected. I still believe stocks are the better and more effective alternative when needing financial assistance in this situation, depending on your level of trust and investment.
4. Collaboration and Contributions
A) How did you find working with your group?
I found working in a group made this project a lot easier. At first me and my partner didn’t know what to do but eventually we figured it out together.
B) How did you contribute to the group? And how did others in the group contribute to your learning
I think me and my partner contributed to everything together I think i helped more with the writing and blog. Other wise when I struggled on the math problem she would help me. When she struggled with the blog and translating I helped.
C) Did you use any other the solutions proposed by your group? Why or why not?
Yes, in the beginning we were confused on how to do the assignment, my partner suggested we try out both solutions to the answer and it gave us a better understanding on how to do the work.
D) How would you rate your ability to collaborate with others in your group on a scale of 1-4 (1 not good; 4- excellent)
I think my collaboration skills would be a 4. It was a little hared to do this assignment because my partner doesn’t speak much English, but we still managed to work together really well.
5. Core Competency Reflection
a) I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.
My partner and I were confused when given this assignment, but once I started asking questions, it became quite clearer what we needed to complete.
b) I used to think…and now I know…because I …
As necessary, I asked for clarification, thought again about my answer, and repeated my calculations if they didn’t seem correct.
c) When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…
I was away sick when this project was introduced. I didn’t understand what we had to do and that caused me stress. when I need to re focus I take a five minute break and try to get back into the work.
d) I can advocate for myself
I struggled to understand how the stock market math worked before speaking up for myself and asking for help.
When I need to boost my mood or re- focus,I pause for a moment to assess, take a short rest, and then resume working. Whenever I become distracted while working, I’m frequently stressed out or tired. In that situation, I might take a brief break to check my phone or eat a small snack before attempting to re focus
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are communication. When your on the same page as people your relationship is better and even fun. As well as helping others because you can both learn and help each other.
An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is Trigonometry. At first it was a little difficult to understand the concept of it but that more we learnt it the easier trig got.
Example of where I have communicated clearly and purposefully can be seen in group or partner work. I work a lot with my friend at my desk and we communicate a lot which makes the class a lot easier.
Film class involves a lot of partner or group work, which means one must communicate with others. For my core competency I chose Communication. The three projects I have finished this far involved a lot of communication because a project is better off with more ideas as well as its a lot easier if your on the same path as your partner.
I really enjoyed film class this semester, what made the class a lot easier and enjoyable was having my friends in the class and working together.
We all communicated nicely with one another as a group. We all worked together to complete the project. We discussed the material we wished to research in our communication. We had to research and discuss the energy source of our choosing for the project; our group settled on wind energy. Each of us selected the subject under which we wished to find the material, and we also helped one another when we ran into problems. We all collaborated on the project, which made it much easier for me.
This is the outline of out project, after a lot more information and color it looked a lot better. We all did study on wind energy and learnt a lot about I learned that wind energy is very helpful in day to day life. Even though we didn’t have to present the project it was very nice working in a group with those people, everybody took part and it looked great.
I’ve learned this unit that nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is really important to your physical and even metal health. Everyone has different diets, some really healthy and some not as much. Even just thinking about diets, one thing I don’t do is eat breakfast. Is it necessarily a good thing? The reason I don’t eat breakfast on school day is because it makes me sick eating so early in the morning, but this unit has taught me that breakfast gives you strength and energy to start your day. Then comes nutrition, its good to have a balanced diet, that makes you feel good and energized throughout the day. Having a well diet is also good for your mental health because knowing that you are not snacking all day can make you feel better.
Core Competency Reflection
I find it easy to be part of a group
– I actually enjoy group work because your hearing other opinions then yours, different perspectives to understand the key points to make the work better. I also like working with friends because its fun and you get to do projects together
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it.
– Everybody needs help at least once, speaking for my self as well. If someone is struggling in class and I understand what we are doing I will try my best to help them. Even if I don’t understand what I’m doing, we could try and figure it out the problem together.
I participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class, school, or community.
– I try to participate in classroom activities as much as I can, I also enjoy listening to class discussion because it helps me understand and improve on my learning.
My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include…
Last year I felt I struggled somewhat collecting relevant information for specific tasks. My goal for this year is to talk more to the teachers to clarify and understand the criteria. I will also work harder to find the most relevant sources and evidence to answer the specific questions. This could be done could be done from better internet research and library resources.
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…
Often I lose focus or procrastinate when doing or starting my work. This is something I really need to work on. My plan is to try get my homework done first thing or in a timely manner. To help me do this I’m going to structure my time better and when I notice I’m starting to loose focus ill take a small break and get back to my work promptly.
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are…
I feel I have good friendship group however I’m going to work harder and reach out to people who I feel maybe be left out. I will do this by introducing myself to people and starting conversation. I will be inclusive and help where I can.