Midsummer: The Movie

My Movie

Character, Setting, and Mood

To choose character markers Emilio and I read through the shortened story and found bits of the story that explained how the characters looked. For example the story takes place in Greece so I think that the characters would have darker skin because it’s warm in Greece and people spend a lot of time outside. For the setting the story mentioned that the characters were in a forest and it also mentioned that the story sets place in Athens. The story mostly sets place in the forest so I imagine that the mood would be quite whimsical so we put in some whimsically music in.

Core Competency Reflection

Working collectively-I can work effectively with Emilio and split up the work so that we each did our fair amount. We also worked out details together like the music and the slide order.

Evaluating and developing-I can personalize the video so that you can recognize that it was me and someone else who did it and we didn’t plagiarize anything.

Connecting and engaging with others-I can connect with other people to understand what their thought process is, to be able to work with them better.

Building relationships-I can build relationships more easily when I have been working with them and


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